3 best free movies streaming on Tubi right now

 Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire.
Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire.

Looking for something good to watch, but don't want to pay for a subscription service? Don't join another free trial and forget to cancel when it's up! Not when there's a slew of free content online to sift through that you can enjoy without paying a cent. Tubi is a great place to start.

Tubi is home to a wide variety of content, from recent TV shows to live TV channels pre-programmed with a selection of shows from networks like ABC, NBC, and Fox. But the free platform's selection of free movies is where it truly shines. You can choose from must-see flicks from classic comedies to recent thrillers and everything in between. Of course, there might be a few stinkers in there, but it's all free and no hassle to watch. You don't need to subscribe or even make an account to jump in and start watching.

So if you're ready to find something fast and free to enjoy for movie night, check out our picks for the three best free movies on Tubi.

In the Heights (2021)

This film adaptation of the Broadway musical of the same name adapts Quiara Alegría Hudes and Lin-Manuel Miranda's dramatic tale with style and panache. It follows Usnavi de la Vega (Anthony Ramos), who runs a local bodega in Washington Heights. Amidst a backdrop of dreams both realized and shattered, the people Usnavi's bodega serves lament their everyday struggles. Nina (Leslie Grace) grapples with racism, Vanessa (Melissa Barrera) chases her fashion aspirations, while others look for love . As the community battles rising rents, power outages, and their own personal challenges, they find solace in each other and the power of song – of which there are plenty in this effervescent story.

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Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)

This beloved Robin Williams comedy may have plenty of laugh-out-loud moments, but it's a heartfelt tale about family at its core. Voice actor Daniel Hillard (Williams) is a doting dad with a free-spirited approach to life. When it clashes with his wife Miranda's (Sally Field) structured, locked-down philosophy, the pair head for divorce. Stripped of access to his children and desperate to be part of their lives, Daniel transforms into "Mrs. Doubtfire", the perfect elderly British nanny. Hired by an unsuspecting Miranda, Daniel uses his new persona to get closer to his kids. But when he becomes an indispensable part of the family, Daniel's double life grows ever more complicated.

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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

Just in time for spooky season, see the movie that kicked off the Texas Chain Saw Massacre franchise and get to know horror icon Leatherface (Gunner Hansen) -- and the rest of his depraved family. After five youngsters (Marilyn Burns, Allen Danziger, Paul A. Partain, William Vail, and Teri McMinn) head out on a road trip through Texas, they happen upon a seemingly empty house riddled with both human and animal bones and other disgusting finds. One by one they're accosted by a lumbering man wearing what appears to be a mask made of human skin. Revving up a chainsaw, he launches violent attacks on each teen. Can they survive this terrifying ordeal? Watch and find out. But probably not.

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