3 Reasons Why Singapore Is Ready To Celebrate LGBTQ+ Progress

Pink Dot, Singapore’s annual pride gathering for the LGBTQ+ community and its allies, is back for a 10th run this July. Who would have thought that the event would have had a decade of success so far?

For the LGBTQ+ community in Singapore, progress is still a mile away. Societal progress has caught up with a new generation of millennials who understand the value of inclusivity, but old-school political think still prevents the city-state from being fully realised as a cosmopolitan nation.

Past ambassadors from Pink Dot’s past nine events are coming together to represent this year’s ambassador lineup (Photo: Pink Dot SG)

After 10 years of Pink Dot, the country has progressed and is ready to celebrate it on July 21, Pink Dot Day. Here are 3 reasons why:

1. Singapore’s businesses celebrate inclusivity

Red Dot for Pink Dot is the sponsorship campaign to get local companies to show their support for diversity and inclusivity (Photo: Pink Dot SG)

Last year, a record 120 Singaporean-owned companies passed more than $200,000 collectively to sponsor Pink Dot after the local government blocked foreign entities from sponsoring the event.

Speaking to The Straits Times, sponsors said their move showed how their companies believed that diversity and non-discrimination was the way forward.

For companies who wish to make their mark in support of inclusive practices in the workplace, visit this year’s sponsorship drive Red Dot for Pink Dot here: http://www.reddotforpinkdot.com/.

2. Singapore’s youth don’t really think being LGBTQ+ is a thorny issue

Ask Thasha, who created a popular petition to get teen flick Love, Simon to be rated NC16 instead of the R21 rating the government’s film board gave the movie due to homosexual content.

To sum up sentiment that watching films with homosexual content would turn straight people gay, Thasha’s friend said this:

Watch Thasha and her friends talk about their thoughts regarding the petition and their stance towards non-discrimination in Singapore:

3. Singaporeans are still celebrating through inclusive events

LGBTQs are turning up in droves to a slew of events that have sprouted in recent times by local event organisers, showing the celebratory spirit and diversity of the community.

LGBTQ+ meetup and support platform Prout has been covering these events on Telegram, with updates twice a week on LGBTQ-friendly happenings in Singapore and the Asian region.

More than 15 events will be held as part of a month-long festival in the lead up to this year’s Pink Dot event (Photo: Pink Dot SG)

This Pink Dot, more than 15 private events — held independent of Pink Dot — will be held as part of a month-long festival in the lead-up to the event. Pink Fest will encompass various events for diverse audiences such as:

  • Talk: Please Mind the Gaps, by IndigNation

  • Walk This Way — Queer Chinatown Guided Tour, by Oogachaga

  • Rainbow Families Brunch, by FOC Sentosa

  • Word, an LGBTQ+ literary festival by BooksActually, at The Fabulous Baker Boy Cafe

A full list of these events can be found at https://pinkdot.sg/2018/05/pinkfest-line-up/. (And you can bet the community will be celebrating because no matter what anyone says, we will turn up and we will celebrate.)

RSVP for Pink Dot 2018 here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1963198140663569.

Subscribe to Prout’s Telegram account for more updates of LGBTQ+ news and events in Asia while keeping your profile hidden from public: t.me/proutapp.

3 Reasons Why Singapore Is Ready To Celebrate LGBTQ+ Progress was originally published in @proutapp on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

This article 3 Reasons Why Singapore Is Ready To Celebrate LGBTQ+ Progress appeared first on Popspoken.