"Ummm, Can We Add That *I* Took This Picture?": 39 Entitled "Main Characters" From The Last Month

1.This power-lifter, who told people to "be patient" while he took breaks rather than let them use the rack:

A handwritten sign on a gym barbell reads: "I'm in the middle of my powerlift sets. I take 4-6 min break between. Be patient." A gym-goer is visible in the background
ZhangtheGreat / Via reddit.com

2.This person, who ruined the concert for everyone by shining a super bright light:

Concert stage with pink lights, a performer singing, and a large audience. A person in the foreground is recording the event. TikTok username @davismcdermott
davismcdermott / TikTok / Via reddit.com

3.This mom, who decided to make her son's wedding photo about herself:

Bride and Groom, dressed in formal wedding attire, hold hands and stand together smiling. Bride holds a bouquet. Social media post with congratulatory comments
_-undercoverlover-_ / Via reddit.com

4.This woman, who thought every man was paying attention to her at the gym:

A person is taking a mirror selfie in a gym. They are wearing a sports bra, high-waisted leggings, a zip-up jacket, and athletic shoes. Their face is not visible
ages_devil / Via reddit.com

5.This person, who called the police because their sub wasn't cut:

Summary of text: Jersey Mike's refused to cut a customer's 14" sub, leading to a confrontation when the police showed up. The customer recounts the event in detail
u/647Med / Via reddit.com

6.This person, and anyone else who blasts music loud enough to give everyone in the vicinity tinnitus:

Close-up of a hand holding a coffee cup at an outdoor table with a street in the background. Overlay text reads: "Bro doesn't care."
HereUntilSunday / Via reddit.com

7.This person, who blocked no less than FOUR electric charging spots:

Several electric vehicle charging stations at a parking lot are being blocked by trucks towing trailers. The parking spots are marked "EV CHARGING ONLY."
u/thegrayman19 / Via reddit.com

8.This person, who wanted random strangers to Venmo her because she was pregnant:

A large white van with "Oops, I did it again. Baby #6" written on the side. It also has "Venmo @" written on a window, indicating a request for donations
u/Lando_Lee / Via reddit.com

9.This person, who blocked the exit of a grocery store so they could load up their stuff without having to go out into the rain:

A person loads groceries into the trunk of a car in a parking lot during rain
u/HappyEffort8000 / Via reddit.com

10.This person, who decided to flex how "rich" he was after not getting the response he wanted in a Pokémon subreddit:

A person is sitting in the driver's seat of a car with a visible name 'Dodge' on the steering wheel. They have a large stack of money on their lap. Text in the image reads "u/US_watchmen Why are you upset?"
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

11.This awful, awful person on an airplane:

A person's legs are resting on an airplane seat, with feet in socks extending above the seatback. The cabin ceiling and lights are visible in the background
u/deafgaming / Via reddit.com

12.Along with this one:

A person sitting on an airplane with their feet, in gray socks, resting on an armrest in front of them. Another passenger works on a laptop
u/ZhangtheGreat / Via reddit.com

13.This terrible person at a grocery store:

Person test tasting soup straight from the ladle in a grocery store. They are standing next to the soup counter with multiple soup containers
u/Bitter-Major-5595 / Via reddit.com

14.This person, who wanted their neighbor to keep their cat out of the window because it distracted their dog:

A handwritten note on a bed with a kitten. The note reads, "Hey Neighbor! Can you please keep your cats out of the window? They are causing my dog to sit in the window and bark all day long. I work from home, so this is very difficult. Thanks, K."
u/the_nacho_stealer / Via reddit.com

15.This entitled tourist, who wanted more English menus while traveling abroad:

Facebook post with mixed opinions about a dish at a soba restaurant. Comments debate the food and mention language barriers when ordering
u/Reddituser0346 / Via reddit.com

16.This person, who was clearly a narcissist:

Text in the image: "Everything I do is for the security of my bloodline. I do things that average people won’t understand because I expect an exceptional future for my family. Even if it means I’m hated by the masses, who have embraced mediocrity."
u/Tylomin / Via reddit.com

17.This person, who thought an Uber driver should recognize her:

Three tweets discuss assumptions based on appearance and microaggressions. The first tweet describes an experienced professional assumed to be unemployed by an Uber driver
u/ZhangtheGreat / Via reddit.com

18.These Disney adults, who were pretty insufferable at someone else's wedding:

A collage of images featuring two people smiling and sharing a close moment. The accompanying text describes a sentimental moment at a wedding where one person sang to the other
u/8teengw / Via reddit.com

19.This person, who was just completely over the top for no reason:

A person stands in front of a counter wearing tactical gear with guns and ammunition clips, with text over the image reading, "Please tell me why this is necessary in Marion, IA."
u/IKnowEric / Via reddit.com

20.This terrible parker:

A parked SUV and a car viewed from inside another vehicle in a parking lot with trees and streetlights. No people are visible
Fair_Paramedic_5700 / Via reddit.com

21.And this one:

A blue pickup truck with a topper is parked in a parking lot near a store labeled "Outdoor." Trees and other cars are visible in the background
u/moonandstars1984 / Via reddit.com

22.Aaand this one:

Two images show a black truck improperly parked across two spaces at a Walmart parking lot, blocking a blue car
Internet_and_stuff / Via reddit.com

23.This commuter, who took up four spots:

A person is lying across train seats with their head resting on a pillow and wearing headphones. Another passenger is partially visible in the background
u/vector_connector / Via reddit.com

24.This guy at Disneyland:

Summary text: Individual held a flashlight to their face on the "Pirates of the Caribbean" ride, causing confusion among other riders. Disneyland cast accommodated their request for a re-ride after explaining visible discomfort
u/its_wesley_tw / Via reddit.com

25.This parent at a kids' recital:

Audience members seated and standing in a school auditorium, watching a stage performance
u/Ok_Consideration_242 / Via reddit.com

26.This motivational influencer, who blocked traffic:

Two images of Spiderman in the middle of traffic. Top image: Spiderman doing push-ups saying, "You can't give up! You can't give up!" Bottom image: Spiderman stands saying, "I know it's rough right now! I know you tired!"
u/ambachk / Via reddit.com

27.This person, who demanded someone's Instagram name:

A social media conversation where one person repeatedly asks another to provide personal information, claiming the other has a similar name. The second person refuses, leading to conflict and report threats
u/Constant_Question445 / Via reddit.com

28.This person, who lay down on a running track:

A small child is crawling on the edge of a running track
u/Paiger__ / Via reddit.com

29.This colleague:

Open book showing pages 192-193 of "Marketing Rebellion" by Mark W. Schaefer, with handwritten notes in the margins. Topics include community control and brand manipulation
lucasnevermind / Via reddit.com

30.All of these people:

People walk along a cobblestone path with a sign in the foreground reading, "As a mark of respect, please refrain from climbing this memorial."
External-Quote3263 / Via reddit.com

31.And everyone in this sensitive habitat:

Group of people walk in the distance on a designated trail through a grassy field with a "Sensitive Habitat. Stay Out" sign in the foreground
u/Fathom-k / Via reddit.com

32.This awful neighbor:

A black pickup truck is parked on a grassy area near a road with dense trees in the background. There are no people in the image
u/Anomalous_Pearl / Via reddit.com

33.Along with this one:

Residential neighborhood with modern houses, a parked SUV, a van turning the corner, a streetlamp, and a tree in the foreground
u/Rhinop21 / Via reddit.com

34.Aaand this one:

Outdoor courtyard with potted plants on stands and a white bucket, surrounded by apartment buildings and a basketball hoop in the background
GhostieJillias / Via reddit.com

35.And these ones:

Two large white delivery trucks parked on a street in front of residential houses with trees lining the sidewalk
u/issathrowaway2 / Via reddit.com

36.Anyone who "reserves" seats with a tiny item then never even shows up:

Two empty poolside lounge chairs each with a towel draped over the backrest. One chair has a book, and the other has a tablet
u/charmcitycuddles / Via reddit.com

37.This parent, who not only let his child fail as a teaching moment but also thought it was a good idea to brag about it online:

  u/TheBunionFunyun / Via reddit.com
u/TheBunionFunyun / Via reddit.com

38.This reviewer, who got angry a server didn't smile at him enough:

A 1-star review stating the food at this restaurant was good but the service was terrible due to a lack of attentiveness and rudeness from the staff, particularly the manager
u/Repulsive_Dog1067 / Via reddit.com

39.And finally, this neighbor, who wanted the "pretty" side of the fence:

Facebook post about a neighbor putting up a fence with the pretty side facing the homeowner, asking if it's against Rock Island ordinance and sharing an encounter with the police who had the panels replaced
u/uno_the_duno / Via reddit.com