6 Casualty spoilers for next week

sah, faith and jacob in casualty
6 huge Casualty spoilers for next weekBBC

Casualty spoilers follow.

Next week on Casualty, Faith's issues threaten to spiral out into the open when she fears she has caused a major medical emergency.

Elsewhere, Rida crosses the line after becoming intrigued by Jodie's love life, while Jacob questions his own relationship.

Here's a full collection of six big moments coming up.

1. Faith is faced with a medical emergency at home

faith cadogan in casualty

Faith continues to struggle and turns to the stash of drugs that she has hidden away in the toilet cistern. She crushes a pill, but soon gets distracted by her son Luka and his friend Johnny.

After putting the crushed pill into her orange juice, Faith deals with the boys' demands. However, the day takes a worrying turn when she finds Johnny having a seizure.

2. Faith springs into action

faith cadogan in casualty

Faith frantically quizzes Luka when she realises that Johnny took her orange juice. She wonders whether Johnny drank from the glass, which had the crushed pill inside, but Luka doesn't know.

Faith rushes Johnny into the Emergency Department for treatment and warns Paige that the youngster has probably suffered an overdose.

3. There's a tense wait at the hospital

faith cadogan in casualty

Faith's revelation over the possibility of Johnny overdosing sparks more questions than answers, especially when Paige tries to treat him for this and there are no visible signs of improvement.

Are Faith's suspicions correct, or have her fears over the drugs led to a misdiagnosis? Could this frightening situation lead to her troubles being exposed?

4. Rida does some detective work

rida amaan in casualty

When Rida finds a pair of sunglasses, she realises that they must belong to the mystery man who Jodie has been sleeping with. She also guesses that the guy in question must be someone she knows, otherwise there'd be no reason for Jodie to keep quiet.

Rida soon learns that Dylan has lost his glasses and jumps to conclusions. As Rida returns the glasses, there's a mortifying misunderstanding as she accuses Dylan of unprofessionalism by sleeping with Jodie.

5. Jacob questions his relationship

jacob masters in casualty

When Billie receives a phone call and seems cagey about it, Jacob suspects that he's not the only man that she's seeing.

Jacob asks Billie whether she'd like to become an exclusive couple, but soon discovers that the truth about what she has been hiding is altogether more surprising.

6. Sah receives a disappointing letter

sah brockner in casualty

Sah receives a letter with an update about their surgery.

The document confirms that Sah's surgery has been postponed, leaving them devastated over the delay.

Casualty airs on Saturdays on BBC One and streams on BBC iPlayer.

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