9 Neighbours spoilers for next week

Neighbours spoilers follow.

Coming up on Neighbours, it's an awkward time for Toadie after he cheated on Terese.

Elsewhere, Nell panics when Hugo is kidnapped, and Felix vows to leave town as soon as he can.

Here's a full collection of nine big moments coming up.

1. Toadie regrets giving into temptation

toadie rebecchi and melanie pearson in neighbours
Amazon Freevee

Toadie feels terrible after cheating on Terese with Melanie. Although Melanie wants to talk about what happened and whether they have a future, Toadie shuts her out.

Holly warns Melanie that she's in danger of getting her heart broken again when it comes to Toadie. Refusing to listen, Melanie submits a last-minute application to join the Longest Lie-In Competition so she can be closer to Toadie.

2. Melanie is left disappointed

toadie rebecchi, melanie pearson and terese
Amazon Freevee / FremantleMedia Australia

Melanie claims the Lie-In bed that's closest to Toadie and Terese. She constantly vies for Toadie's attention, but he feels awkward and tries to ignore her.

Toadie overcompensates by lavishing Terese with attention instead. Melanie gets upset and impulsively quits the competition, before confiding in Holly about how something happened between her and Toadie.

3. Chelsea tries to sabotage Krista

paul robinson, chelsea murphy and krista sinclair in neighbours
Amazon Freevee / FremantleMedia Australia

Chelsea wants the Longest Lie-In to be a disaster, knowing that this would be bad news for Krista. She secretly alters the Lassiters roster to make sure that the event is understaffed.

When Krista realises that her efforts are under threat, she cleverly hands out walkie-talkies to make sure that the staff she does have are able to work efficiently together.

The event proves to be a hit, with friendly rivalry between the neighbours as they go head-to-head in the endurance competition.

4. Haz is confronted by a familiar face

mackenzie hargreaves and haz devkar in neighbours
Amazon Freevee / FremantleMedia Australia

Haz's ex-girlfriend Billie reappears during the competition.

Sneaky Billie is on a mission to sabotage Haz and his new girlfriend Mackenzie, but they manage to stay one step ahead.

Later, the winners are announced and Krista is congratulated as her event was a huge hit. This irritates Chelsea, who can't handle seeing Krista receiving such warm praise from everyone.

5. Aaron and Nicolette take a step forward

nicolette stone, isla tanaka brennan and aaron brennan in neighbours
Amazon Freevee / FremantleMedia Australia

Aaron tries to avoid the Lie-In contest, wanting to avoid Nicolette as he knows that she'll be competing. The pair are no closer to resolving their differences after falling out over Nicolette taking Isla to see Paul.

Aaron soon realises the importance of attending, as the event is a tribute to David. He takes Isla along, which leads to Nicolette warming to him again as David's family come together to reminisce over their lost loved one.

6. Felix plans to leave

felix rodwell and andrew rodwell in neighbours
Amazon Freevee / FremantleMedia Australia

Felix entertains his girlfriend Jools in the spa, but Andrew rebukes him for welcoming in a houseguest without checking it was okay. Andrew backs off when Felix promises that Jools can be trusted.

Wendy looks out for Felix by securing him a job interview for a labourer position at the new Eirini Rising development.

However, Felix is starting to feel uncomfortable over living so close to JJ, so he tells Jools that he's considering breaking parole and doing a runner once he has enough money saved.

7. Felix rescues JJ

felix and jj varga murphy in neighbours
Amazon Freevee / FremantleMedia Australia

JJ has another frightening encounter with Slade and the gang. He tries to use the self-defence moves that Andrew taught him, but they're no match for a quick-thinking Slade.

It seems that JJ will receive another brutal beating, until Felix arrives and scares Slade off.

Felix can't resist teaching JJ his own self-defence tactics, which contradict Andrew's advice. He then goes a step further by telling JJ that it's time for them to teach Slade a lesson.

8. Felix makes a big decision

felix in neighbours
Amazon Freevee / FremantleMedia Australia

When Slade next sees JJ and threatens him again, JJ tries Felix's methods of psyching out an opponent. The tactics pay off, as Slade rushes away and JJ celebrates being back in control.

JJ bonds with Felix after the successful day, unaware of how uncomfortable he's making Felix feel. Still determined to leave town as soon as he can, Felix makes a big decision.

9. Hugo is kidnapped

hugo rebecchi is kidnapped by slade westall's gang in neighbours
Amazon Freevee / FremantleMedia Australia

Nell is next on Slade's target list as he cruelly harasses her in the street. Hugo steps in to defend his older sister, but Slade and the gang show what they're capable of when they snatch the young schoolboy.

Hugo is locked in Slade's car boot and the gang drive off. The police are called and Hugo's loved ones anxiously wait for news.

Neighbours releases new episodes from Mondays to Thursdays for free on Amazon Freevee in the UK and US. In Australia, the show airs from Mondays to Thursdays at 4pm on Channel 10, with a 6.30pm repeat screening on 10 Peach.

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