Abe praises Trump's security commitment after call on Syria, N Korea

FILE PHOTOS: A combination of file photos show U.S. President Donald Trump (L) in Washington March 1, 2017 and Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo November 18, 2014 . REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/Toru Hanai/File Photos

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Sunday praised the "strong commitment" of President Donald Trump to global and allied security after his second call with the U.S. leader in four days. The two agreed that the United States, Japan and South Korea will remain in close contact on North Korea, and they agreed to closely watch China's response to Pyongyang's missile and nuclear development, Abe told reporters at his official residence. In a call on Thursday, a day after North Korea's latest missile test, Abe said he and Trump had agreed the ballistic missile launch was "a dangerous provocation and a serious threat." Abe on Friday voiced support for air strikes Trump ordered against Syria after Damascus deployed deadly chemical weapons on a rebel-held area earlier in the week. (Reporting by Takaya Yamaguchi; Editing by William Mallard)