Actor Ben Stein Mocked For 'Ferris Bueller' Call To Devin Nunes To Return To Congress

Deadpan actor Ben Stein was roundly mocked on Twitter Sunday after tapping into the character he played on the iconic 1986 film “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” to beg Devin Nunes to return to Congress — because he tells the “truth.”

Nunes retired from his position as GOP California congressman last year to head up Donald Trump’s right-wing social media operation Truth Social.

In his plea that Nunes return, Stein reprised his role as a massively ineffective, disinterested teacher in Ferris Bueller’s (Matthew Broderick) fictional suburban Chicago school as he repeatedly asks his hugely bored class if “anyone ... anyone” can answer his questions about economics.

“Nunes ... Nunes,” Stein begins on his video posted on Twitter. “We have to have Nunes here because there has to be at least one person who tells the truth. Nunes, please come back, wherever you are. We need someone who’s going to tell the truth,” he adds, eventually wailing Nunes’ name.

Stein was once a speechwriter for former presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, and writes political commentary, including praise for Trump.

He has called Trump a “peacemaker” who “did great things,” adding: “I pray he comes back in 2024.” He has characterized Trump’s brand of politics “old-fashioned Republicanism.”

In 2019, Stein baselessly claimed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) supported changes in America that would lead to Hitler’s mass murder, dictatorship and genocide.

Critics on Twitter had thoughts:

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
