Al Jazeera streaming live to Android and BlackBerry

Al Jazeera streaming live to Android and BlackBerry. apps, android apps, blackberry apps, Al Jazeera, 0

Popular news channel Al Jazeera has announced that it is going mobile - launching apps in both the Android Market and the BlackBerry App World.
The apps let you stream the news channel live(ish) 24 hours a day, as well as giving you the headlines - split down by region, and a picture gallery. You can even submit your own news stories should you fancy yourself as a bit of a citizen journalist. Al Jazeera's head of mobile media, Safdar Mustafa said: "There's been a huge demand from our audience to make applications available on these popular mobile platforms. We've designed and developed the apps to be very visual and easy to use, and we'll be adding even more to them over time.
The apps are available now, and are free.

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