An Aleppo victory would 'turn to ashes' for Assad - Johnson

Britain's Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson delivers a speech at Chatham House in London, Britain December 2, 2016. REUTERS/Gareth Fuller/Pool

DUBAI (Reuters) - The capture of all of Aleppo by Syrian government forces would not bring peace to Syria because President Bashar al-Assad remains hated by millions of his own people, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Friday. Speaking at the Manama Dialogue security conference in Bahrain, he said if and when the city fell to Assad's forces "it will assuredly be a victory that turns to ashes." "Remember that two-thirds of Syria is currently outside Assad's control and he is still besieging 30 other areas comprising 571,000 poor, tormented inhabitants. Surely to goodness there can be no lasting peace in Syria if that peace is simply reimposed by a man who has engendered such hatred among millions of his own people," Johnson said. (Reporting by William Maclean; Editing by Janet Lawrence)