Alex Fong laments lengthy script

3 Dec - He may have starred in various dramas before, but Alex Fong recently revealed that playing a lawyer in TVB's upcoming drama, "Legal Strongman", may be the hardest one to date, On CC reported.

When asked why, the actor simply replied, "The lines are so long!"

Alex disclosed that he has spent an entire night reading through the script but was only able to finish only eight episodes' worth of lines.

"It wasn't easy. But I am thankful it's in Cantonese, so it is much more convenient than filming a mainland drama," he said.

The actor admitted that when he was approached by the producer to play a lawyer in the series, he accepted it thinking that it would be a straightforward role.

"I did not expect such long and complicated dialogues!" he added.

When asked if he had complained to the producer about his lines, Alex laughed and replied, "Yes, I showed the script to him. Each paragraph with my lines was literally one foot long!"

When suggested that the lengthy lines may be a ticket to him winning TV King, Alex joked, "I would rather win Best Actor by playing a mute."

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