6 more COVID deaths, record 3,590 new cases in Singapore

People enter a coronavirus disease vaccination centre set up at a community centre in Singapore on 7 October, 2021. (PHOTO: AFP via Getty Images)
People enter a coronavirus disease vaccination centre set up at a community centre in Singapore on 7 October, 2021. (PHOTO: AFP via Getty Images)

SINGAPORE — The Ministry of Health (MOH) on Friday (8 October) confirmed a record 3,590 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore, bringing the country's total case count to 120,454, as well as six more deaths due to the disease.

Friday marks the fourth day in a row Singapore reported over 3,000 new daily cases. It is also the 19th day in a row with fatalities from the virus reported here.

All new cases are local with 2,825 in the community and 765 in the migrant worker dormitories. Among them are 619 people above the age of 60, said the MOH.

Singapore's 137th through 142th COVID-19 fatalities are all Singaporeans: three men and three women aged between 67 and 93. A total of 41 people here have succumbed to the disease this month.

Of the six fatalities announced on Friday, two had been unvaccinated against COVID-19, three had been partially vaccinated and one had been fully vaccinated. Five of them had various underlying medical conditions, while a partially vaccinated case had no known medical conditions.

Five active COVID-19 clusters in Singapore are also being closely monitored, said the MOH.

Of the list of monitored clusters, the highest number of 32 new cases – all quarantined – was added to the cluster at ASPRI-Westlite Papan Dormitory. The cluster now has 229 cases.

Thirteen new cases – all quarantined – were added to a cluster at MWS Christalite Methodist Home, bringing the total to 89. Of them, all but five – all staff members – are residents.

Twelve new cases – all quarantined – were added to a cluster at PPT Lodge 1B Dormitory, bringing the total to 138.

Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said in Parliament on Monday while the government is ramping up healthcare capacity to handle up to 5,000 cases, it is already planning how to handle 10,000 infections.

Co-chair of the multi-ministry COVID-19 taskforce Lawrence Wong last Saturday said many people in Singapore will end up catching COVID-19, and there is no need to be fearful or embarrassed about it.

But the Finance Minister also said the current rise in COVID cases may not be "the last wave" in Singapore.

307 require oxygen supplementation; 41 in ICU

As of Friday, 1,564 cases are currently warded in hospital, most of whom are well and under observation.

There are currently 307 cases of serious illness requiring oxygen supplementation and 41 in critical condition in the intensive care unit (ICU).

Of those who have fallen very ill, 294 are patients above the age of 60, said the MOH.

Apart from the 142 patients who have died from COVID-19 complications, 15 others who tested positive for the virus were determined to have died from unrelated causes, including three whose deaths were attributed to a heart attack and another four whose deaths were attributed to coronary heart disease.

Over the last 28 days, the percentage of local cases who were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms is 98.4 per cent. Over the same period, 659 cases required oxygen supplementation, 66 had been in the ICU, and 76 died.

As of Thursday, about 9.37 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered under the national vaccination programme. Some 4.6 million have received at least one dose of the vaccine, with some 4.53 million having completed the full vaccination regimen.

To date, about 600,000 eligible seniors have been invited to receive their booster doses – 371,953 of them have received their booster shots while another 86,000 have booked their appointments.

Separately, 208,934 doses of other vaccines recognised in the World Health Organization’s Emergency Use Listing (WHO EUL) have been administered as of Thursday, covering 110,169 individuals.

This means that 83 per cent of the population have completed their full regimen, or received two doses of COVID-19 vaccines, and 85 per cent have received at least one dose.

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