Voices: Donald Trump doesn’t have proper conservative values

I apologise for my party's decision in electing Trump. But I'm not ashamed to call myself a conservative (Reuters)
I apologise for my party's decision in electing Trump. But I'm not ashamed to call myself a conservative (Reuters)

As an American and as a millennial, I have never wanted to associate myself with a party that supports Trump. But in America, we still get separated into two outdated labels: either you’re a conservative Republican or a liberal-minded Democrat. So, where does this leave me?

I am a journalism student from the United States and I have had the amazing opportunity to intern at the Independent for a few months. I noticed the question that I get asked the most in the UK is, “What is your opinion of Trump?” I answer honestly. He’s the worst.

For the most part, I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut when it comes to politics because it tends to bring out the worst in people, especially in America right now. In both parties, there is so much anger.

Before Trump, I wasn’t embarrassed to call myself a Republican, but now I feel like I always have to explain myself: “No, I’m not one of those Republicans.”

It’s time to introduce a new kind of conservative party in America, because the new age of conservatives aren’t Trump supporters at all. In fact, they are very socially liberal, fiscally conservative, and prefer to keep religion out of politics.

Yet, after living in the UK for a couple weeks, I have noticed that people here tend to think the exact opposite, associating anything slightly conservative with racism or sexism. I have also been astounded to see that the majority of people here believe Americans are idiots. Yes, we are louder than the average person on the tube, but we aren’t stupid. We didn’t see Trump coming. In fact, we didn’t vote for it. Hilary Clinton won the popular vote, but the Electoral College put Trump in office.

Side note for my new British friends: the Electoral College isn’t that complicated. Basically, each state gets a number of representatives (based on the state’s population) that will vote after the people have, representing the voice of the people. In theory, the Electoral College is supposed to keep the American people from doing something astronomically stupid. In this case, it didn’t work.

Basically, Clinton got more votes from people in more populated states, such as California, but in fewer states overall. Thus earning her a smaller number of electoral votes. In contrast, Trump won more small population states, which ended up getting him more electoral votes overall.

So, I apologise for my party, but want to remind others that there is hope for the United States. Every four years we get to hold a new presidential election, which allows the political pendulum to swing to the other side every couple of years. This system does create polarisation, but also ensures balance from a big picture perspective.

But now that Trump has ruined the name of the main conservative party, representing an extremely unpopular and small portion of Americans, I’m not sure that this pendulum will ever function the way it used to. This is a good thing. Let’s consider it a reality check for the Republican Party and for all American politicians. Don’t swing too far one way, or you won’t be able to come back.

All this being said, I am not ashamed of defining myself as a conservative. I don’t like a lot of taxes. I’m sceptical of nationalised healthcare, although, yes, I think it is necessary. I have faith in the private sector to create opportunity. I believe our national debt needs to be seriously examined and I’m a fan of national security.

Donald Trump's first year: in pictures

Inauguration - 20 January 2017: US President Donald Trump acknowledges the audience after taking the oath of office as his wife Melania (L) and daughter Tiffany watch during inauguration ceremonies swearing in Trump as the 45th president of the United States on the West Front of the US capital in Washington on 20 January, 2017. Photographer Jim Bourg:
Obama farewell address - 10 January 2017: US President Barack Obama wipes away tears as he delivers his farewell address in Chicago on 10 January, 2017. Photographer Jonathan Ernst:
Obama farewell address - 10 January 2017: US President Barack Obama wipes away tears as he delivers his farewell address in Chicago on 10 January, 2017. Photographer Jonathan Ernst:
Inauguration - 20 January 2017: A combination of photos shows the crowds attending the inauguration ceremonies to swear in U.S. President Donald Trump at 12:01pm (left) on January 20, 2017 and President Barack Obama sometime between 12:07pm and 12:26pm on January 20, 2009. (Reuters/ Lucas Jackson/Stelios Varias)
Inauguration - 20 January 2017: A combination of photos shows the crowds attending the inauguration ceremonies to swear in U.S. President Donald Trump at 12:01pm (left) on January 20, 2017 and President Barack Obama sometime between 12:07pm and 12:26pm on January 20, 2009. (Reuters/ Lucas Jackson/Stelios Varias)
Liberty Ball - 20 January 2017: US President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump attend the Liberty Ball in honour of his inauguration in Washington on 20 January, 2017. Photographer Jonathan Ernst:
Liberty Ball - 20 January 2017: US President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump attend the Liberty Ball in honour of his inauguration in Washington on 20 January, 2017. Photographer Jonathan Ernst:
Inaugural Law Enforcement Officers and First Responders Reception - 22 January 2017: US President Donald Trump greets Director of the FBI James Comey as Director of the Secret Service Joseph Clancy (L), watches during the Inaugural Law Enforcement Officers and First Responders Reception in the Blue Room of the White House on 22 January, 2017. Photographer Joshua Roberts:
Private phone calls to world leaders - 28 January 2017: US President Donald Trump, is joined by his staff, as he speaks by phone with Russia's President Vladimir Putin in the Oval Office on 28 January, 2017. Photographer Jonathan Ernst:
Private phone calls to world leaders - 28 January 2017: US President Donald Trump, is joined by his staff, as he speaks by phone with Russia's President Vladimir Putin in the Oval Office on 28 January, 2017. Photographer Jonathan Ernst:
Senior advisor Kellyanne Conway - 27 February 2017: Senior advisor Kellyanne Conway (L) attends as US President Donald Trump welcomes the leaders of dozens of historically black colleges and universities (HBCU) in the Oval Office on 27 February, 2017. Photographer Jonathan Ernst:
Senior advisor Kellyanne Conway - 27 February 2017: Senior advisor Kellyanne Conway (L) attends as US President Donald Trump welcomes the leaders of dozens of historically black colleges and universities (HBCU) in the Oval Office on 27 February, 2017. Photographer Jonathan Ernst:
Angela Merkel heads to Washington - 17 March 2017: Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Donald Trump hold a joint news conference in the East Room of the White House on 17 March, 2017. Photographer Jonathan Ernst:
Angela Merkel heads to Washington - 17 March 2017: Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Donald Trump hold a joint news conference in the East Room of the White House on 17 March, 2017. Photographer Jonathan Ernst:
Trump welcomes truckers to the White House - 23 March 2017: President Trump reacts as he sits on a truck while he welcomes truckers and CEOs to attend a meeting regarding healthcare at the White House on 23 March, 2017. Photographer Carlos Barria:
Trump welcomes truckers to the White House - 23 March 2017: President Trump reacts as he sits on a truck while he welcomes truckers and CEOs to attend a meeting regarding healthcare at the White House on 23 March, 2017. Photographer Carlos Barria:
Air Force One - 6 April 2017: US President Donald Trump talks to journalists members of the travel pool on board the Air Force One during his trip to Palm Beach, Florida on 6 April, 2017. Carlos Barria:
Air Force One - 6 April 2017: US President Donald Trump talks to journalists members of the travel pool on board the Air Force One during his trip to Palm Beach, Florida on 6 April, 2017. Carlos Barria:
100 Days - 27 April 2017: US President Donald Trump speaks during an interview with Reuters in the Oval Office of the White House on 27 April, 2017. Photographer Carlos Barria:
100 Days - 27 April 2017: US President Donald Trump speaks during an interview with Reuters in the Oval Office of the White House on 27 April, 2017. Photographer Carlos Barria:

Yet I am also pro-choice and I believe global warming is a real problem. I believe all races, sexualities and genders should be treated equally. I welcome immigrants and hate guns. Most importantly, I believe Trump is the worst.

Even though I feel very confident with my political beliefs, I know they aren’t for everyone. You’ll never hear me say that my thoughts are superior and I would never try to convince someone to think otherwise. In fact, I celebrate a difference of opinion and often prefer that diversity of thought.

So, for the people in the UK who think they understand Americans just because they have watched a few seasons of Friends, I beg of you to remember we aren’t as senseless as you’d think. We may talk with less elegance, but we have the same feelings of frustration that you have. We are just closer to the source.