Apple will debut a Translate app in iOS 14

It will be compatible with 11 languages at launch.


Today at WWDC, Apple revealed what could become a very useful addition to iOS 14. The Translate app will allow you to speak or type in text and will convert your question or statement into one of 11 languages. The translated text will be displayed on-screen and will be spoken by a synthetic voice over the iPhone’s speaker.

Apple says that Translate will use the iPhone’s Neural Engine to process the language conversions, and it will work completely offline, which could be a benefit for privacy -- as well as those traveling in places that have sparse internet connections. Once you start chatting with someone, you can tilt the screen to landscape mode and enable Conversation Mode. This simply enlarges the text to make it easier for both parties to read the translated text.

Translate should make it easier to communicate with those who speak another language -- whether that’s in everyday life or while traveling abroad. It should be available alongside iOS 14 this fall.