Arab Parliament urges Arab League to reinstate Syria, Egypt's news agency says

CAIRO (Reuters) - The Arab Parliament urged the Arab League on Friday to reinstate Syria's membership, which was suspended seven years ago, Egypt's state news agency said.

The Arab Parliament's call is a sign that the Arab League may move to reinstate Syria after it was suspended in November 2011 in response to the Syrian government's violent attacks on protests.

For Syria to be reinstated, the Arab League must reach a consensus, though some Arab countries may express reservations but nevertheless allow the move.

Mahmoud Afifi, spokesman for Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit, told Reuters he had no further comment and referred to statements by Aboul Gheit on the issue.

"The decision to suspend the Syrian seat in the Arab League was, in my opinion, a very hasty decision," Aboul Gheit told the newspaper UAE-based Al Bayan in April.

Egyptian state-run media outlets have repeatedly called for Syria's reinstatement over the last several months.

(Reporting by Mohamed Abdellah, Omar Fahmy and Mohamed El Sherif; writing by Yousef Saba; editing by Larry King)