Archbishop of Canterbury backs changes to asylum system as Rwanda debate looms

Faith leaders including the Archbishop of Canterbury have backed proposals for a major shake-up of Britain’s “broken” asylum system, on the same day the Government’s Rwanda Bill returns to the Lords for a parliamentary showdown.

Migrants would be eligible to work in the UK after six months of waiting for an asylum decision and given free English language education on day one after arrival in the country under the recommendations.

The proposals are made in a report by the independent Commission on the Integration of Refugees (CIR), which also calls for the reinstatement of a refugees minister in Government.

The Most Rev Justin Welby, who in Parliament’s upper chamber has been a leading critic of Government legislation aimed at deporting some asylum seekers to Rwanda, is among religious figures supporting the recommendations.

He is joined by Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis, Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra, Cardinal Vincent Nichols and Rabbis Josh Levy and Charley Baginsky.

The Archbishop said: “In a world of rising conflict and instability, we agree that immigration must be managed and controlled, small boats must be stopped, and traffickers must be caught.

“Receiving communities especially must be supported and not feel used. That makes it easier for our natural generosity to be expressed, and for our unity to grow and not be threatened.

“It’s widely acknowledged that our asylum system is broken – it needs rebuilding with compassion, dignity and fairness at the centre.

“This requires thoughtful, well-informed consideration which promotes collaboration and common ground, not division.”

In making its case for greater opportunities for refugees, the CIR report highlights analysis by the London School of Economics (LSE) that suggests that migrants could bring in a net economic gain of £1.2 billion over five years.

It says the two recommendations that would deliver this benefit are English language classes provided from arrival in the UK and employment support given at six months, alongside the Government meeting its target to process asylum applications within the same timeframe.

A survey of refugees and asylum seekers carried out for the commission by Neighbourly Lab, a non-profit research group, suggests there is “untapped potential” in Britain, the CIR said.

One in three respondents had a bachelor’s degree or equivalent but the same number said they were unable to use the skills they learned as part of their qualification, according to the findings.

The same number said language was the most significant barrier to work yet more than one in five have been unable to access English classes due to waiting lists, the commission said.

The report says the Government should “make people in the asylum system eligible for general employment after six months of waiting for their asylum decision” and this should “not be limited to the jobs on the shortage occupation list”.

It also calls for people in the asylum system to be made eligible for shortage occupation list jobs from day one and for consideration of a “Government-backed finance scheme” to help refugees set up businesses.

Migrants should be given access to free English language provision from day one in the UK and all asylum-seeking children should be able to access mainstream education immediately no matter when they arrive, the report says.

“The whole system needs strong governance and oversight, including the reinstatement of a UK refugee minister and involving people with experience as refugees,” it adds.

Ed Kessler, chairman of the commission, said: “Our work over the last couple of years, listening to people from across the country, commissioning research and exploring these issues has provided a rich insight into what is clearly a broken system.

“It’s expensive, inefficient and damaging for refugees and Britain.

“But amongst the debris were findings that gave us real hope and inspiration for a very different system. One that supports refugees, communities and wider society to thrive.

“One that our political leaders can realistically embrace.”

Rishi Sunak Warwickshire visit
Prime Minster Rishi Sunak says he still hopes to have flights leaving for Rwanda by spring (Carl Recine/PA)

The report comes on the same day as the Bill to save the Government’s beleaguered Rwanda deportation policy returns to the Lords after the Commons overturned attempts by the unelected second chamber to amend the legislation.

Peers may seek to press again for changes as part of a process known as parliamentary “ping-pong”, where legislation is batted between the two Houses as they respond to one another’s proposals.

With Easter recess starting next week, the legislation is unlikely to pass before the break if the Lords maintain their resistance.

Mr Sunak has insisted he still hopes to get a flight carrying asylum seekers to Kigali off the ground by the spring, with Downing Street urging peers to “work with the Government”.

A Home Office spokesperson said: “The UK has a proud history of providing protection for those who genuinely need it. Since 2015, we have offered a safe and legal route to over 550,000 men, women and children seeking safety, as well as family members of refugees.

“We are committed to ensuring that refugees can take positive steps towards integration as they rebuild their lives in the UK, including having immediate access to the labour market and to mainstream services that support their integration, like benefits and healthcare.

“The UK’s right-to-work policies for asylum seekers must strike the right balance between protecting taxpayer money and ensuring people are not incentivised to come to the UK illegally.”