Ariane 6 rocket launch: Europe prepare for showdown... Tech & Science Daily podcast


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Europe's Ariana 6 rocket is set to launch on Tuesday 9th July.

If all goes to plan, the spacecraft will launch from Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana, during a four-hour window that opens at 6pm UK time.

The rocket, which is operated by the French company Arianespace on behalf of ESA, has been in development for nearly a decade, and will replace the Ariane 5 which retired last year after 117 flights over nearly thirty years.

A first of-its-kind study has found that children conceived using eggs or sperm donors are 'more likely to have identity difficulties and issues with trust', if they're kept in the dark about their origins.

Tech & Science Daily speak to Professor Susan Bewley, emeritus professor in obstetrics and women's health at King's College London, who is the senior author of the paper.

Professor Bewley recommends anyone involved in the field, informally or formally, and any potential parents considering this route, should read the paper from KCL so they can make a fully informed decision with all the evidence we know up to now.

A nearby exoplanet apparently stinks of rotten eggs.

New research from John Hopkins University in the US, suggests that the atmosphere of HD 189733 b, a Jupiter-sized gas giant, has trace amounts of hydrogen sulphide - a molecule that gives up a foul smell.

The planet is known already for its deadly weather, such as raining glass, and extremely high temperatures of around 927C.

And the rest

Mobile operator EE launches new service to combat nuisance calls and scams. Using AI the 'scam guard' will alert users to spam calls and if a users' personal information was found on the dark web.

A new study suggests a link between altered gut bacteria in children and autism. Experts say the findings could help address the backlog in people waiting to be diagnosed.

A pack of 'mystic meerkats' in a zoo in Sussex have been accurately predicting England's results in the Euros throughout the tournament, and we reveal what they think will be the result in England's match against the Netherlands on Wednesday.

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