Attacks suspect Abdeslam arrives at Paris court

Handout file picture shows Belgian-born Salah Abdeslam on a call for witnesses notice released by the French Police Nationale information services on their twitter account November 15, 2015. REUTERS/Police Nationale/Handout via Reuters/Files

PARIS (Reuters) - Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam arrived at the main Paris law court on Friday for his first hearing before French judges. Abdeslam is believed by investigators to be the sole survivor among a group of Islamist militants who killed 130 people in a series of shootings and suicide bombings in Paris on Nov. 13. Transferred to France from Belgium on April 27, Abdeslam has been held in solitary confinement in a high-security prison in Fleury-Merogis in the Paris region, with his cell under CCTV surveillance. The Belgian-born Frenchman was placed under formal investigation on terrorism and murder charges in France on April 27 after his extradition from Belgium, and he promised to talk to judges during his next hearing, his French lawyer said at the time. If Abdeslam cooperates and answers the judges' questions, the hearing could last all day, a source close to the matter told Reuters. The hearing will not be public. Abdeslam, 26, was Europe's most wanted fugitive until his capture in Brussels on March 18 after a four-month manhunt. He was taken by helicopter to Paris under armed guard and then driven to the capital's main law courts in the city centre. (Reporting by Chine Labbe and Dominique Vidalon; Editing by Andrew Callus)