Austria to help fund repairs on Ukraine’s power grid

Austrian flag
Austrian flag

Austria's Energy Ministry will allocate EUR 5 million ($5.43 million) to the Ukraine Energy Support Fund, Austrian newspaper Der Standard reported on May 20.

The assistance was announced by the Federal Energy Minister Leonore Gewessler.

“As a neutral country, Austria is also obliged to stand on the side of humanity in this war,” said Gewessler.

She added that the funds are intended to “at least somewhat ease the restoration process.”

Read also: How will Ukraine’s power supply fare this year — analysis

The allocated money will be distributed through the Energy Community (international organization that integrates a pan-European energy market) and used to purchase urgently needed spare parts, generators, and transformers.

After two months of renewed Russian air strikes on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, household and industrial consumers across the country are now dealing with rolling blackouts during peak consumption hours.

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