Barbie Hsu doesn't want showbiz life for her children

25 Jul – Just like most celebrities, Taiwanese actress Barbie Hsu is not keen on letting her two children work in showbiz just like herself.

As reported on Epoch Times, the actress expressed her opinion on the subject during an appearance on the variety show "We Grow Up", saying that she had missed a lot of things that normal people enjoy doing when she started her career at the age of 18.

"I was envious of people who get to pursue their studies and have a good time, because by that time I had already started working. So that's why I think my children shouldn't do the same thing," she said.

Barbie stated that she would like her daughter Hsi-yueh and son Hsi-lin to have a free life and the ability to make their own choices.

Barbie made her debut in 1994 as a member of the pop duo ASOS with younger sister Dee Hsu. However, she became a household name after playing Shan Cai in the hit 2001 idol drama "Meteor Garden".

(Photo Source: NOWnews)