Batang Kali Landslide Report to be tabled to Malaysian Cabinet, transparency demanded

'The affected families of the Batang Kali landslide have grown increasingly frustrated with the lack of transparency'

A group of families of the Batang Kali victims.
Families and kins of the Batang Kali landslide victims in a quiet protest during the recent Selangor state elections. (Photo: Batang Kali Collective)

The Batang Kali Landslide Report is set to be presented to the Cabinet following an analysis conducted by the Public Works Department, an aide to Selangor's then incumbent Chief Minister, Amiruddin Shari, revealed to Yahoo Southeast Asia.

Last year, on 16 December 2022, a devastating landslide transpired in the vicinity of Batang Kali, Selangor, leading to the displacement of 450,000 cubic metres of soil.

The incident resulted in the burial of campsites situated at an organic farm, trapping 92 individuals beneath the collapsed slope and resulting in 31 fatalities.

Notably, the majority of those affected were campers lodging at the farm.

In response to inquiries regarding the timeline for the report's submission to the Cabinet and the rationale behind any potential delay, the aide stated, “Most of the agencies running the analysis and investigation are under federal ministries.”

“I can't speak on behalf of them,” the aide added.

The statement follows a request from the families affected by the incident, urging the state government to enhance transparency regarding the ongoing investigation.

“The affected families of the Batang Kali landslide, along with concerned citizens, have grown increasingly frustrated with the lack of transparency surrounding the investigation process,” a statement by the victims, survivors and kins of the Batang Kali tragedy said.

The group also highlighted that while recovery efforts continue and the community attempts to rebuild, it was imperative that a thorough investigation was conducted to determine the causes of the disaster, and to prevent such incidents in the future.

“The tragic Batang Kali landslide has claimed 31 lives and caused substantial damage; we the affected families and concerned citizens are uniting to demand transparency and accountability from the Selangor Chief Minister, Amirudin Shari,” said a victim who wished to remain anonymous; recounting the numerous times they felt they were let down.

“We are urging the Selangor MB to uphold his responsibility to the people. If the investigation report is not delivered promptly and transparently, we are calling for the Selangor MB to step down from his position, allow someone more credible oversee the situation and ensure justice for the victims.”

Meanwhile, Loh Teng Shui, a father who lost his seven-year-old son in the landslide, expressed his bewilderment at the then incumbent chief minister's actions.

He conveyed his confusion over Amiruddin's announcement of the report's completion, only for the latter to subsequently remain silent on the matter.

“No reporting, no accountability, nothing. It has been nine gruelling months. My wife and I had all been very traumatised and saddened by the loss of our son,” he said.

“Every month end we looked forward to a closure, to no avail. We just need a closure and the previous Selangor leadership has failed to deliver. We are counting on a new leadership who will be more forthcoming,” he added.

Amiruddin and the names of two others were recently submitted to the palace for the role of Selangor's new Chief Minister, following Pakatan Harapan's win in the recent state elections.

A relative of another victim emphasised that the effects of the landslide went beyond fatalities, as they also extended to the overall welfare of the broader public, particularly the reincarnation of Batang Kali itself.

“There was a young guy working in a convenience store who stays at the foothill of Batang Kali hill; he addressed his concern over whether a recurrent landslide might affect their home,” said said Eng Lee Cheng, who lost several loved ones in the tragic incident.

“We could not undo what had happened but at least we can try to find out the root cause and try our best to avoid similar tragedy happen to others,” Eng added.

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