The Beatles fans ask for group masturbation scene in new movies

The Beatles
The Beatles fans ask for group masturbation sceneGetty Images

Fans of The Beatles have asked for the group masturbation scene to be included in the upcoming films.

It was announced earlier this week that Sam Mendes was planning a quadrilogy of films based on the legendary musical group, with each film set to focus on one member of the band.

With several fans having theories about potential castings and plot strands, some have mentioned a fact - aside from the music - that includes all four members of the group - an infamous moment where they all masturbated.

The Beatles
Getty Images

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The recollection came from Paul McCartney, who revealed to GQ: “[We] were over at John [Lennon’s] house, and it was just a group of us. Instead of getting roaring drunk and partying - I don't even know if we were staying over or anything - we were all just in these chairs, and the lights were out, and somebody started masturbating, so we all did.”

Understandably, the story had many fans talking, and several have wondered if the scene will be included in Mendes’ series, with one fan writing on X/Twitter: “My only question regarding a Beatles biopic is will the circle jerk be included or nah.”

“If Sam Mendes was a real one he’d put it in all 4 movies from 4 different POVs” quipped another fan, whilst one user added: “The only scene all four Beatles movies share is the one where they all jerk off together.”

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“Rashomon telling of the Beatles circle jerk” wrote another fan, referencing Akira Kurosawa’s 1950 film, which was told from three differing perspectives. The post also included a photo of the New York Post’s coverage of McCartney’s story, with the headline ‘Beat the Meatles’.

Mendes’ films are due to be released in 2027, with the director saying (via BBC News): “I am honoured to be telling the story of the greatest rock band of all time and excited to challenge the notion of what constitutes a trip to the movies.”

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