Berlin conference behind Nayyem’s resignation

Shmyhal's letter to Nayyem
Shmyhal's letter to Nayyem

The upcoming international conference on Ukraine's recovery in Berlin sparked a scandal in the Ukrainian government before it even began.

Ukrainian PM Denys Shmyhal did not allow Mustafa Nayyem, head of the State Agency for Infrastructure Restoration and Development, to attend the conference in Germany. Shmyhal demanded the agency first presents a report on the progress of pilot recovery projects and construction of additional protection at key infrastructure facilities.

The PM spelled this out in a letter barring Nayyem from the trip to Berlin on June 10. In response, Nayyem resigned, posting a detailed account of the agency’s work in a Facebook post.

NV's official request for comment about the letter went unanswered, but sources in the government confirmed its authenticity.

PM's handwritten refusal to allow Nayyem to attend the Berlin conference <span class="copyright">NV</span>
PM's handwritten refusal to allow Nayyem to attend the Berlin conference NV

Additionally, Shmyhal will also skip the conference. According to a Cabinet member who spoke on condition of anonymity, Shmyhal decided to focus on internal matters. The PM’s current top priority is reportedly to make sure Ukraine’s energy infrastructure is ready for the coming winter.

Therefore, the Ukrainian delegation at the Berlin conference will be represented by Deputy PM Yulia Svyrydenko, and Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko.

Furthermore, sources tell NV that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is also expected to attend the conference.

On June 12, the government is scheduled to review the agency's progress on securing Ukraine’s critical infrastructure from future potential Russian air strikes.

Read also: Ukraine’s Infrastructure head resigns over bureaucracy and budget cuts

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