Bernice Liu speaks Moses

Bernice Liu speaks Moses

28 Jun - Bernice Liu's image took a big hit when she was photographed dating businessman Alastair Lim, where she went from being known as a girl-next-door to gold digger, and now the actress finally speaks of ex-lover Moses Chan, according to XinMSN website.

In a recent interview, Bernice spoke about Moses for the first time. "We had already broken up in 2008" she stated. She also announced that she would not be renewing her contract with TVB, her employer for the last 10 years.

She then went on to say "I obeyed my employer to keep my mouth shut. However, during my only interview, I was painted to be 'insinuating that Aimee Chen is the third party'." Aimee Chan is rumoured to be Moses' recent girlfriend.

The actress, who is now free from contractual agreement, also voiced her disappointment in Moses stating that, "If he had publicly announced the end to our relationship, I wouldn't have been misunderstood by everybody,"

This was all the cause of Moses' remark of a photographed image of Bernice and Alastair, to which he was reported to say 'what is in the past has passed', making the public believe that Bernice had left Moses for a wealthy businessman.

Bernice has always been rated a B-class actress in TVB despite her always being a favourite amongst commercial clients and well-admired by her viewers.