Betty Ting addresses Bruce Lee rumours

Betty Ting addresses Bruce Lee rumours

23 Oct – She may have acted in 30 films, but it was Bruce Lee's death in her house in 1973 that made Taiwanese actress Betty Ting famous. 40 years after his passing, the actress is still plagued with numerous disgusting rumours about the nature of his death.

As reported on CN Panyu website, in an interview with RTHK on 20 October, Betty denied all speculations about the "Enter The Dragon" star's death, and stressed that he passed away in his sleep.

According to the media reports back in the 70s, Bruce died in Betty's apartment at 67 Beacon Hill Road, Kowloon Tong on 20 July 1973. The actor, who was going over the script for "Game Of Death", complained of a headache and was given a single tablet of Equagesic by Betty before he went to sleep. However, she could not wake him up for a dinner appointment and Lee was rushed to Queen Elizabeth Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival, with cause of death revealed to be an allergic reaction that resulted in brain swelling.

However, there were a lot of speculations about Lee's death, such as sex and drugs having caused his death.

Betty said, "I've heard a lot of disgusting rumours about sex drugs or Spanish Fly. I have heard them all. Actually he was lucky, as he passed away in his dream. At the time, Bruce Lee said that he had a little headache. So he took some pain pills and rested for a while."

She also denied that it was her aspirin or sex that took his life, saying, "The painkiller is not strong enough to make people go like that. Otherwise the drug company would have to bear a lot of responsibility. I have never heard of anyone die from making love."

Betty also confessed that his death took a toll on her physically and mentally, but added his keepsakes that he left to her, including the Jeet Kune Do founder badge and his tapes of favourite bands, comforted her.