Biden impeachment latest: GOP’s own witnesses contradict main claims in ‘disaster’ first hearing

House Republicans held their first impeachment hearing into President Joe Biden on Thursday, with members of both sides branding it a “disaster” for the GOP.

The White House has dismissed the allegations of corruption and the impeachment proceedings as a baseless political stunt. Former President Donald Trump has pushed House Republicans to impeach Mr Biden as revenge for his two impeachments.

All four of the witnesses at the hearing told Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat of New York, that they weren’t presenting any firsthand accounts of wrongdoing by Mr Biden.

A senior Republican aide told CNN that “picking witnesses that refute House Republicans’ arguments for impeachment is mind-blowing. This is an unmitigated disaster”.

White House spokesman Ian Sams weighed in on the impeachment hearing.

“These are the Republicans’ own witnesses! Admitting there is not evidence to warrant this impeachment stunt Proving this is nothing more than a baseless wild goose chase,” he wrote on X.

Key Points

  • Professor compares GOP inquiry to going after Trump because of Jared Kushner

  • Even Republicans think the impeachment hearing is a ‘disaster'

  • Fetterman mocks House GOP’s impeachment inquiry by offering Bud Light

  • Raskin notes that ‘not a single’ witness ‘argued that a sufficient quantum of evidence exists'

Democrat attacks in the credibility of impeachment witnesses

Thursday 28 September 2023 17:05 , Gustaf Kilander

Raja Krishnamoorthi, Democrat of Illinois, attacked the credibility of the impeachment witness, bringing out social media posts and noted attempts to fundraise for a fake electors scheme in Michigan.

‘We don’t even know if this was an illusion or not’

Thursday 28 September 2023 17:11 , Gustaf Kilander

Asked about what part of the evidence is missing, Mr Turley said: “The key here that the committee has to drill down on is whether they can establish a linkage with the influence peddling which is a form of corruption and the President –Whether he had knowledge, whether he participated, whether he encouraged it.”

But he added that “We simply don't know. And we don't even know if this was an illusion or not. But you can't find the answers to that”.

Republicans block Giuliani testimony again

Thursday 28 September 2023 17:29 , Gustaf Kilander

The Republicans blocked the calling of Rudy Giuliani as a witness again during the hearing on Thursday following a motion by Maryland Democrat Kweisi Mfume.

‘Where in the world is Rudy?’

Thursday 28 September 2023 17:32 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Mfume made a forceful case for the calling of Mr Giuliani as a witness, holding up a sign saying “where is Rudy?”

He attempted to “shame” Republicans into calling the ex-Trump lawyer and NYC mayor as a witness but to no avail.

AOC prompts witnesses to say they have no firsthand testimony to share

Thursday 28 September 2023 17:40 , Gustaf Kilander

All four of the witnesses at the hearing told Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat of New York, that they had not witnessed Mr Biden committing any crimes or were presenting any firsthand accounts.

“The allegations being presented by the majority are extremely serious and the prospect of impeachment is also a gravely serious matter which has been echoed by our witnesses today. And any serious impeachment investigation or inquiry relies on firsthand sworn testimony of witnesses to high crimes or misdemeanours. Today, the Republican majority has called in three witnesses to advance their case,” she said.

“Mr Turley, I have a simple question for you. In your testimony today. Are you presenting any firsthand witness account of what's committed by the President of the United States?” she asked.

Mr Turley and all the other witnesses said they were not.

“To clarify, two individuals presented today who do have firsthand accounts surrounding the progeny of these applications are being blocked from testifying by the Republican majority,” Ms Ocasio-Cortez said.

‘This is an embarrassment,’ AOC says

Thursday 28 September 2023 17:42 , Gustaf Kilander

Ms Ocasio-Cortez said, “This is an embarrassment to the time and people of this country. And I would ask that the chair and I would ask that this committee elevate to the promise of our duties here and comport ourselves with the consistency and practice that is required of our seats and our duty and our oath to our responsibilities here.”

AOC accuses Florida rep of presenting ‘fabricated’ image

Thursday 28 September 2023 17:45 , Gustaf Kilander

Ms Ocasio-Cortez accused a fellow panel member of presenting a fake image.

“The gentleman from Florida presented on the screen something that looked, appeared to be a screenshot of a text message containing an explosive allegation. That screenshot of what appeared to be a text message was a fabricated image!” she said.

White House spokesman says hearing is ‘nothing more than a baseless wild goose chase'

Thursday 28 September 2023 17:48 , Gustaf Kilander

White House spokesman Ian Sams weighed in on the impeachment hearing on Thursday.

“These are the Republicans’ own witnesses! Admitting there is not evidence to warrant this impeachment stunt Proving this is nothing more than a baseless wild goose chase,” he wrote on X.

‘Long arm, but little hands of Donald Trump all over this impeachment,’ Democrat argues

Thursday 28 September 2023 18:17 , Gustaf Kilander

New Mexico Democrat Melanie Stansbury asked on Thursday, “what is this hearing actually about?”

“It's a campaign strategy. It's a misuse of official resources. It is this committee and loyalists of Donald Trump doing his bidding to bolster his chances of winning back the White House and securing their majority in the next election,” she argued.

“And in the process, to diminish the name of impeachment which is enshrined in the US Constitution, which we take an oath to uphold and to make Donald Trump's crimes including his two impeachments and his 91 criminal indictment counts look like they're not serious crimes,” she added.

“When you think about it, it's chilling. It's truly chilling. It's another attack on our democracy and our institutions. It's another attack on fair and free elections and the use of this committee to try to carry it out. So I just want to say I think it's obvious who the grand puppet master is here. He tweeted about it on his own social and we see the long arm, but little hands of Mr Donald Trump, whose fingerprints are all over this hearing and this sham impeachment,” she added.

“But we know that the American people are smart, that they're not going to be fooled by what's happening here today, and especially as they shut the government down in two days with catastrophic impacts for our communities,” Ms Stansbury said.

VIDEO: AOC undermines GOP's Biden impeachment with one simple question

Thursday 28 September 2023 18:18 , The Independent

GOP goes into ‘freak out’ mode after ‘star witness’ says some issues may favour Biden

Thursday 28 September 2023 18:28 , Gustaf Kilander

VIDEO: Raskin says Republicans don’t have ‘even a dripping water pistol’ in impeachment case

Thursday 28 September 2023 18:30 , The Independent

Senior Republicans says Comer has lost control of hearing as Democrats land punches

Thursday 28 September 2023 18:38 , Gustaf Kilander

Jacqueline Alemany of The Washington Post wrote on X that a senior Republican aide said that Chairman James Comer has lost control of the hearing, which is allowing Democrats to land attacks.

The aide notes that the “witnesses Comer selected have disputed House GOP arguments on the impeachment inquiry,” the reporter writes.

The aide also said that the hearing “has failed to attract mainstream media attention RE more damning evidence”.

“Comer and staff botched this bad,” a House Republican staffer told The Messenger.

The staffer said that the case put forward by the GOP has been “confusing” while the Democrats have been “on message”.

“How can you not be better prepared for this?” the staffer asked.

VIDEO: Jamie Raskin condemns Republicans for pushing Biden impeachment amid possible shutdown

Thursday 28 September 2023 18:39 , Gustaf Kilander

Florida Democrat lays out timeline of impeachment inquiry

Thursday 28 September 2023 18:50 , Gustaf Kilander

Florida Democrat Maxwell Frost highlighted the timeline of the impeachment inquiry and how Speaker Kevin McCarthy changed his mind on whether a vote was needed for the probe in less than two weeks.

He also noted that “Mr Turley is stopping here on the way to his next Fox News hit”.

‘This is an unmitigated disaster,’ GOP aide says

Thursday 28 September 2023 19:14 , Gustaf Kilander

A senior Republican aide told CNN that “picking witnesses that refute House Republicans arguments for impeachment is mind blowing. This is an unmitigated disaster”.

A Republican lawmaker complained about the party’s performance, saying “I wish we had more outbursts”.

Meanwhile, the House Judiciary panel wrote on X that “.@GOPoversight and @RepJamesComer are crushing it at this hearing”.

“Witnesses testify that we’ve passed the threshold of evidence to open the President Joe Biden impeachment inquiry,” they wrote. “Mountains of evidence showing Biden Family influence peddling.”

“Only the beginning,” they concluded.

Democrat slams GOP chairman for interrupting his questioning: ‘He knows I’m right'

Thursday 28 September 2023 19:28 , Gustaf Kilander

Maxwell Frost tweeted on Thursday that he was interrupted by Chair James Comer during the first Biden impeachment hearing “because he knows I’m right. They say that this isn’t an impeachment, it’s an impeachment ‘inquiry’ to get answers. Then they call up witnesses that are just asking more questions and not providing any ANSWERS OR EVIDENCE. This hearing is very unserious”.

Republicans refuse to say if Trump and Hunter Biden should be held accountable for crimes

Thursday 28 September 2023 19:48 , Gustaf Kilander

The Republicans on the panel refused to say if Donald Trump and Hunter Biden should be held accountable for any crimes they may have committed.

Rep Greg Casar of Texas asked: “Will members of the oversight committee raise their hands if you believe both Hunter and Trump should be held accountable for any of indictments if convicted?”

While the Democrats raised their hands, the Republicans remained still.

Democrat mocks Republicans for not being interested in facts

Thursday 28 September 2023 20:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Democrat Jared Moskowitz of Florida mocked the Republicans for using the impeachment process as a form of political revenge.

Moskowitz mocks GOP as the ‘Real House Republicans of Oversight'

Thursday 28 September 2023 20:02 , Gustaf Kilander

AOC and Raskin chide MTG for previously showing nude images

Thursday 28 September 2023 20:15 , Gustaf Kilander

California Democrat uses speaker’s own words against Biden impeachment

Thursday 28 September 2023 20:31 , Gustaf Kilander

California Democrat Katie Porter noted that a few years ago, when Mr Trump was being impeached, Speaker Kevin McCarthy was pushing for a vote of the House to begin the proceedings, something he avoided now when launching the Biden probe.

GOP witness admits no evidence to impeach Biden at first impeachment hearing

Thursday 28 September 2023 20:33 , Andrew Feinberg

House Republicans’ first effort to justify the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden demanded by former president Donald Trump and far-right members of the GOP conference ended without a single piece of evidence presented linking Mr Biden to any wrongdoing whatsoever.

The panel’s chairman, Representative James Comer of Kentucky, opened the hearing by claiming that his GOP colleagues had assembled “a mountain of evidence” that will show that the president “abused his public office for his family’s financial gain,” adding later that his committee would “follow the money and the evidence to provide accountability” for Mr Biden’s alleged wrongdoing.

Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the oversight committee’s top Democrat, derided the panel’s efforts as “an impeachment drive based on a long debunked and discredited lie” and said the Republicans “don’t have a shred of evidence against President Biden for an impeachable offence”.

The all-day session before the House Oversight Committee took place just days before the federal government is set to run out of operating funds at the end of the 2023 fiscal year, and focused largely on widely-discredited and long-ago debunked conspiracy theories about Mr Biden and his son, attorney and former lobbyist turned artist Hunter Biden.

The allegations against the 46th president, which centre around the younger Mr Biden’s work on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, were first prolmugated by disgraced former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani in 2018 and 2019, and formed the basis of Mr Trump’s attempt to extort Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelensky during a now-infamous July 2019 phone call — an incident which led to the first of Mr Trump’s two impeachment trials.

Read more

Democrats note Steve Bannon slammed calling Turley as witness

Thursday 28 September 2023 20:58 , Gustaf Kilander

Raskin calls on MTG ‘to not introduce any pornography'

Thursday 28 September 2023 21:15 , Gustaf Kilander

Following her previous use of nude images of Hunter Biden, Maryland Democrat Jamie Raskin called for Georgia Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene to “be instructed to not introduce any pornography today”.

‘The majority forgot to bring the evidence with them today’

Thursday 28 September 2023 21:30 , Gustaf Kilander

Jamie Raskin said in his closing statement, “Online, everybody's making fun of this Seinfeld impeachment and impeachment hearing about nothing apparently, two days before the government is about to shut down. But I want to say that all four of these witnesses have done a great service for us, not just the Republicans but for the Democrats too. And I want to thank them for their for their patience, their intellectual honesty and their surprising consensus on the key questions”.

“When I started out as a young assistant attorney general, I went to court I remember my first day of work, and I heard a judge lecture a lawyer by saying, counsel, you have forgotten the very first rule of being a lawyer, which is when you go to court, don't forget to bring the evidence with you. And I'm afraid the majority forgot to bring the evidence with them today,” he added.

Raskin brings up John Eastman in closing statement

Thursday 28 September 2023 22:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Mr Raskin said that he doesn’t “think you could find a constitutional law professor who would say there is sufficient evidence. Maybe John Eastman but I think he may be detained these days”.

Florida Democrat lays out timeline of impeachment inquiry

Thursday 28 September 2023 22:45 , Gustaf Kilander

Florida Democrat Maxwell Frost highlighted the timeline of the impeachment inquiry and how Speaker Kevin McCarthy changed his mind on whether a vote was needed for the probe in less than two weeks.

He also noted that “Mr Turley is stopping here on the way to his next Fox News hit”.

VIDEO: Raskin says Republicans don’t have ‘even a dripping water pistol’ in impeachment case

Thursday 28 September 2023 23:30 , The Independent

Even Republicans think the impeachment hearing is a ‘disaster'

Thursday 28 September 2023 23:43 , Josh Marcus

This was supposed to be a big moment for the Republican members of the House, but so far, their first impeachment hearing against Joe Biden has been a “disaster,” according to GOP sources.

Some of Republicans’ own witnesses testified they don’t think there’s evidence linking Joe Biden to any high crimes.

“I do not believe that the current evidence would support articles of impeachment,” Georgetown Law Professor Jonathan Turley told lawmakers.

Forensic accountant Bruce Dubinsky, meanwhile, testified that there is no evidence connecting the president to illegal activities, saying the Republican attacks on Mr Biden are akin to if Hunter Biden was pulled over for speeding in a car owned by Joe Biden, and they want to give Joe Biden the speeding ticket.

“Picking witnesses that refute House Republicans’ arguments for impeachment is mind-blowing,” a Republican aide told CNN. “This is an unmitigated disaster.”

Read more in-depth analysis of the hearing from Ahmed Baba.

Even some Republicans admit Biden ‘impeachment’ hearing is a disaster

‘Long arm, but little hands of Donald Trump all over this impeachment,’ Democrat argues

Friday 29 September 2023 00:15 , Gustaf Kilander

New Mexico Democrat Melanie Stansbury asked on Thursday, “what is this hearing actually about?”

“It’s a campaign strategy. It’s a misuse of official resources. It is this committee and loyalists of Donald Trump doing his bidding to bolster his chances of winning back the White House and securing their majority in the next election,” she argued.

“And in the process, to diminish the name of impeachment which is enshrined in the US Constitution, which we take an oath to uphold and to make Donald Trump’s crimes including his two impeachments and his 91 criminal indictment counts look like they’re not serious crimes,” she added.

“When you think about it, it’s chilling. It’s truly chilling. It’s another attack on our democracy and our institutions. It’s another attack on fair and free elections and the use of this committee to try to carry it out. So I just want to say I think it’s obvious who the grand puppet master is here. He tweeted about it on his own social and we see the long arm, but little hands of Mr Donald Trump, whose fingerprints are all over this hearing and this sham impeachment,” she added.

“But we know that the American people are smart, that they’re not going to be fooled by what’s happening here today, and especially as they shut the government down in two days with catastrophic impacts for our communities,” Ms Stansbury said.

AOC accuses Florida rep of presenting ‘fabricated’ image

Friday 29 September 2023 01:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Ms Ocasio-Cortez accused a fellow panel member of presenting a fake image.

“The gentleman from Florida presented on the screen something that looked, appeared to be a screenshot of a text message containing an explosive allegation. That screenshot of what appeared to be a text message was a fabricated image!” she said.

White House spokesman says hearing is ‘nothing more than a baseless wild goose chase'

Friday 29 September 2023 01:45 , Gustaf Kilander

White House spokesman Ian Sams weighed in on the impeachment hearing on Thursday.

“These are the Republicans’ own witnesses! Admitting there is not evidence to warrant this impeachment stunt Proving this is nothing more than a baseless wild goose chase,” he wrote on X.

‘This is an embarrassment,’ AOC says

Friday 29 September 2023 02:30 , Gustaf Kilander

Ms Ocasio-Cortez said, “This is an embarrassment to the time and people of this country. And I would ask that the chair and I would ask that this committee elevate to the promise of our duties here and comport ourselves with the consistency and practice that is required of our seats and our duty and our oath to our responsibilities here.”

AOC prompts witnesses to say they have no firsthand testimony to share

Friday 29 September 2023 03:15 , Gustaf Kilander

All four of the witnesses at the hearing told Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat of New York, that they had not witnessed Mr Biden committing any crimes or were presenting any firsthand accounts.

“The allegations being presented by the majority are extremely serious and the prospect of impeachment is also a gravely serious matter which has been echoed by our witnesses today. And any serious impeachment investigation or inquiry relies on firsthand sworn testimony of witnesses to high crimes or misdemeanours. Today, the Republican majority has called in three witnesses to advance their case,” she said.

“Mr Turley, I have a simple question for you. In your testimony today. Are you presenting any firsthand witness account of what’s committed by the President of the United States?” she asked.

Mr Turley and all the other witnesses said they were not.

“To clarify, two individuals presented today who do have firsthand accounts surrounding the progeny of these applications are being blocked from testifying by the Republican majority,” Ms Ocasio-Cortez said.

Panel chairman claims ‘Biden abused his public office for his family’s financial gain'

Friday 29 September 2023 04:00 , Gustaf Kilander

“The House Oversight and Accountability Committee has uncovered a mountain of evidence, revealing how Joe Biden abused his public office for his family’s financial gain,” chair James Comer of Kentucky said as he opened the hearing on Thursday.

“For years, President Biden has lied to the American people about his knowledge of and participation in his family’s corrupt business schemes, at least 10 times Joe Biden lied to the American people that he never spoke to his family about their business dealings,” he added.

“He lied by telling the American people that there was an absolute wall between his official government duties and his personal life. Let’s be clear. There was no wall. The door was wide open to those who purchased what a business associate described as the Biden brand,” Mr Comer said.

Legal observers have consistently said there’s not enough evidence to say that Mr Biden is guilty of corruption.

Mr Comer claimed that “evidence reveals that then-Vice President Joe Biden spoke, dined, and developed relationships with his family’s foreign business targets. These business targets include foreign oligarchs who sent millions of dollars to his family. It also includes a Chinese national who wired a quarter of a million dollars to his son”.

“Joe Biden also lied to the American people about his family making money in China. He continued to lie about it even when the House Oversight Committee uncovered bank wires, revealing how the Bidens’ received millions from a Chinese company with significant ties to Chinese intelligence and the Chinese Communist Party,” he added.

“Just this week, we uncovered two additional wires into Hunter Biden that originated in Beijing from Chinese nationals. This happened when Joe Biden was running for President of the United States and Joe Biden’s home is listed as the beneficiary address,” he claimed. “Today, the House Oversight Committee has uncovered how the Bidens and their associates created over 20 shell companies, most of which were created when Joe Biden was vice president and raked in over $20 million between 2014 and 2019. We’ve also identified nine Biden family members who have participated in or benefited from these shady business schemes. What were the Biden’s selling to make all this money?”

Raskin slams witness called by GOP: ‘Not one of them an eyewitness to a presidential crime of any kind'

Friday 29 September 2023 05:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Maryland Democrat Jamie Raskin slammed the witnesses called by the Republicans on the panel.

“Not one of them an eyewitness to a presidential crime of any kind. Not one of them is a direct fact witness about any of the events related to Ukraine and Burisma,” he said.

Top Democrat on panel says all that matters to GOP is what Trump wants

Friday 29 September 2023 06:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Mr Raskin said that “Speaker McCarthy’s invertebrate appeasement of the most fanatical elements of his conference now threatens the well-being of every American ... the Constitution is irrelevant to them. What counts is what Donald Trump wants”.

‘I am not here today to even suggest that there was corruption, fraud or any wrongdoing,’ witness says

Friday 29 September 2023 07:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Witness Bruce Dubinsky, a forensic accountant, said in his opening statement: “Let me be clear, I’m not prejudging the facts that have emerged to date with regard to the Biden family and associates, businesses and the money they received that had had its origins from foreign sources.”

“I am not here today to even suggest that there was corruption, fraud or any wrongdoing. In my opinion, more information needs to be gathered and assessed before I would make such an assessment,” he added.

Witness says there’s not enough evidence for an inquiry

Friday 29 September 2023 08:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Impeachment hearing witness Professor Michael Gerhardt said in his opening statement that there’s “the necessity for credible evidence of the commission of treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanours”.

“There is not at least not that I’ve yet heard such credible evidence – let me give you an example of what I fear is similar to the current proceedings,” he said.

“Hunter Biden is arrested for speeding in a car owned by his father, and the police go after the father,” he said about the impeachment proceedings. “I don’t think that’s how the law should work. I don’t think that’s how impeachment should work.”

“Congressman Jordan, whom I respect a great deal, when he said there are four facts. Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma. Hunter Biden was not qualified. So far, by the way, nothing about President Biden. Third, there were executives who asked Hunter Biden for help. Again, not yet any proof of any kind of complicity of President Biden. And lastly, Joe Biden gave a speech,” he added. “If that’s what exists as a basis for this inquiry, it is not sufficient.”

House Democrat leader slams Biden impeachment: ‘They are wasting time and taxpayer dollars'

Friday 29 September 2023 09:00 , Gustaf Kilander

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York, slammed the impeachment proceedings on Thursday.

“They are wasting time and taxpayer dollars in an illegitimate impeachment inquiry when we’re about 48 away or so from an extreme MAGA Republican government shutdown — and this is what they’re focused on?” he asked.

Professor compares GOP inquiry to going after Trump because of Jared Kushner

Friday 29 September 2023 10:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Mr Raskin asked Prof Gephardt what he makes “of the idea of impeaching a president for something his son did when the president wasn’t in office?”

“Just imagine if the names were switched. Just imagine if this was Jared Kushner,” the professor said, referring to Donald Trump’s son-in-law.

‘Shouldn’t we be concerned about all those Biden towers all over the world?'

Friday 29 September 2023 11:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Representative Gerry Connolly of Virginia made his point during the hearing by deliberately mistaking Mr Biden for Mr Trump, speaking about “Biden towers” all over the world and shared mock concern about Mr Biden appointing his son to be in charge of US Middle East policy, in reference to Mr Trump’s appointment of Mr Kushner.

“Shouldn’t we be concerned about all those Biden towers all over the world where foreign partnerships were formed and influence was used here in the US? I’ve seen these towers in Indonesia, in the Philippines, in Turkey. I’ve even seen one in Chicago,” Mr Connelly said sarcastically.

‘We don’t even know if this was an illusion or not’

Friday 29 September 2023 12:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Asked about what part of the evidence is missing, Mr Turley said: “The key here that the committee has to drill down on is whether they can establish a linkage with the influence peddling which is a form of corruption and the President –Whether he had knowledge, whether he participated, whether he encouraged it.”

But he added that “We simply don’t know. And we don’t even know if this was an illusion or not. But you can’t find the answers to that”.

GOP witness admits no evidence to impeach Biden at first impeachment hearing

Friday 29 September 2023 13:00 , Andrew Feinberg

House Republicans’ first effort to justify the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden demanded by former president Donald Trump and far-right members of the GOP conference ended without a single piece of evidence presented linking Mr Biden to any wrongdoing whatsoever.

The panel’s chairman, Representative James Comer of Kentucky, opened the hearing by claiming that his GOP colleagues had assembled “a mountain of evidence” that will show that the president “abused his public office for his family’s financial gain,” adding later that his committee would “follow the money and the evidence to provide accountability” for Mr Biden’s alleged wrongdoing.

Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the oversight committee’s top Democrat, derided the panel’s efforts as “an impeachment drive based on a long debunked and discredited lie” and said the Republicans “don’t have a shred of evidence against President Biden for an impeachable offence”.

The all-day session before the House Oversight Committee took place just days before the federal government is set to run out of operating funds at the end of the 2023 fiscal year, and focused largely on widely-discredited and long-ago debunked conspiracy theories about Mr Biden and his son, attorney and former lobbyist turned artist Hunter Biden.

The allegations against the 46th president, which centre around the younger Mr Biden’s work on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, were first prolmugated by disgraced former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani in 2018 and 2019, and formed the basis of Mr Trump’s attempt to extort Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelensky during a now-infamous July 2019 phone call — an incident which led to the first of Mr Trump’s two impeachment trials.

Read more

Jamie Raskin leads Democrat slap down of GOP Biden impeachment attempt

Friday 29 September 2023 14:00 , Natalie Chinn

On 28 September, House Republicans held the first impeachment inquiry hearing on Joe Biden and his potential connections to his son Hunter’s business.

House Democrats came prepared to attack their claims, calling out the lack of evidence and lack of witnesses that could speak directly about the allegations.

Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin, the top Democrat on the committee, lead the slap down, saying Republicans “just want to see the world burn.”

The inquiry is opening as the federal government is days away from a shutdown that would halt paychecks for millions of federal workers and the military.