Are Big Brother’s Olivia and Paul going to have ITV reboot's first romance?

Viewers want to know whether the housemates will fall in love

Olivia and Paul have been growing closer in Big Brother house (ITV/Shutterstock)
Olivia and Paul have been growing closer in Big Brother house (ITV/Shutterstock)

As well as who is going to win Big Brother or where have you seen the Big Brother housemates on TV before, viewers always want to know will any of the housemates fall in love?

Body language expert Darren Stanton, speaking on behalf of Spin Genie, highlighted the possibilities of a romantic connection blossoming between Olivia and Paul as he told Yahoo: "There is lots of chemistry and the housemates can feel it too. It's a form of banter and it's clearly a way for them to connect.

"It's their own thing they have with each other and it shows how they are enjoying themselves and letting go. Paul is being sarcastic or joking with Olivia, and it's his way of flirting, making Olivia know how he feels."

Of course it is early days in the Big Brother house, with the reboot returning to our screens after five years, but it appears a romance could be on the cards for the 23-year-olds.

Sparks have been flying in the Big Brother house as Glasgow-born dancer Olivia, 23, and Liverpool-born security officer Paul, also 23, have been getting to know each other and flirting.

Social media had been awash with fans predicting their romance, one writing: "Would love a paul/olivia romance tbh, think it cause hilarious fallout."

"Predictions that paul & olivia will be having a big brother romance."

“I’m calling it now Paul & Olivia are going to be in a showmance!!!” Others added. “Nawww this paul & olivia showmance is just not it for me.”

Body language

Olivia does high kick for Big Brother photo
Olivia has already made waves on Big Brother (ITV)

The playful chemistry between them seemed to be heating up when they danced up a storm together during the silent disco on Monday.

Stanton has lifted the lid on what their body language shows about their growing connection.

He told us: "We've already seen Paul and Olivia be quite tactile in front of the other housemates, but this will definitely intensify in the coming days. It's quite an intimate thing to touch someone on their arm, leg or around their waist.

Big Brother bed
Who will be the first to fall in love in Big Brother? (ITV)

"And I'm sure we will see more of this very soon - it may be holding hands or even a hug. It's a situation where both of them are slowly becoming more attracted to each other, and that is shown through this leakage of smiles, touches and laughter.

"They will become more familiar with each other and trust each other more. When someone touches someone's hand or arm, this is called escalation. Olivia and Paul are on the brink of that – where we intentionally increase our level of intensity and rapport with that person. They are doing it naturally, there is nothing forced between them. It's a completely unexpected but natural connection already."

Olivia and Paul’s bond

Paul wore yellow T shirt and jeans
Paul is a security officer (ITV)

While Olivia and Paul have only known each other for a short time, they have embarked on a social experiment together where they are living with each other for 24 hours a day seven days a week.

Bizarre situations like this can lead to romantic relationships, the body language guru explained.

Reflecting on how Olivia and Paul's bond had developed so far, he said: "When strangers are living together in such a strange environment for a number of days, weeks or even months, friendships can often evolve into more romantic relationships.

"Paul and Olivia are entering stage one of reciprocal liking and there is no way for them to hide their feelings for one another either. Their relationship is very playful. We see that Paul enjoys tormenting her in a playful way. But she also likes this, she's seen screaming at the top of her lungs and running away."

Will Olivia and Paul get closer?

The Big Brother house is a social experiment
The Big Brother house is a social experiment (ITV)

Looking at how their bond could deepen, the body language expert predicted how their connection could unfold in the coming days.

He said: "I can predict that we will now see the two of them spending a lot more time together, and in private - as much as they can do that.

"They'll try and disengage themselves from the rest of the group to see what this relationship will turn into. It's a way of getting to know each other on their terms. I can see them going off together when the rest of them are in the lounge. They'll want to be in their own bubble for a while.”

He added: "It is too early to say whether they will last. But at the moment, we are seeing signs of reciprocated attraction on both sides. They certainly get on well and have a strong connection already."

Big Brother continues at 9pm on ITV2 and ITVX

Read more: Big Brother

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