Abercrombie and Fitch models cause stir

A&F guys greet Singapore! (Yahoo! Photo)
A&F guys greet Singapore! (Yahoo! Photo)

Singaporeans were greeted by the sunny smiles of shirtless Abercrombie & Fitch models outside the flagship A&F store here on Friday morning.

In keeping with tradition, the hottest A&F guys, carefully selected from the fashion brand's outlets in the United States of America, Japan, Italy, Germany and other countries made an appearance, much to the delight of excited tourists and passers-by.

Amongst the bevy of hunks braving the hot sun were four Singaporeans who will be attending to customers in the A&F store here when it opens on December 15.

Said one of them, Muhaimin, 26: "I am very excited about being part of this!".

His fellow Singaporean Seng Loong, 22, a student added that this was a new experience for him.

"I felt a bit conscious at first but the rest of the guys who are more experienced helped made me feel more at ease. This is one big family."

K. Bablani and wife poses with A&F guys! Seng Loong is second model from left.(Yahoo! Photo)
K. Bablani and wife poses with A&F guys! Seng Loong is second model from left.(Yahoo! Photo)

Meanwhile, locals and tourists alike gawked at the muscled bodies of the guys and took the opportunity to snap photographs.

Said K. Bablani, 35, who is here in Singapore on holidays: "I am from Dubai and I used to be part of the A&F crew! My body used to be very good but now it is all gone.

"These guys have really good bodies and I am inspired to be like them again."

Christiana Finnegan from Brazil could only say: "Oh my god. They are so amazingly hot."

The hunks will be standing outside the store daily until its opening, so get out there and take a picture with them!