Chris Kaman tries to catch a 1,000-lb. marlin on his outdoorsy Web series, 'Exploring Kaman' (Video)

Over the years, Chris Kaman has taken great pains to establish himself as one of the NBA's foremost outdoorsmen. The 32-year-old 7-footer loves proudly discussing his passion for stuff like hunting, shooting .50 caliber rifles at cars, hunting, building medieval weapons and being Sasquatch, hunting, buying whole cows to eat and, of course, hunting.

Given his penchant for both outdoor adventure and telling us all about it, it's no surprise that the newest addition to the frontcourt rotation of the Portland Trail Blazers would have his sights set on a grander means of communicating his forays into hunting, fishing and (presumably) gathering. Let us bask in the trailer for the big man's new pet project: "Exploring Kaman," a Web series following the former Los Angeles Clippers, New Orleans Hornets, Dallas Mavericks and Los Angeles Lakers center and his buddies on a quest "to catch a 1,000 lb. Blue Marlin [...] with little professional guidance."

Well, all right, then. Especially liked that part where he ate a fish's eye. Cool, cool, cool.

The series, set to debut Oct. 17, will reportedly focus on the fishing-trip-gone-awry. It remains unclear whether, or to what degree, Kaman's other favorite pastimes — "shooting guns, racing four-wheelers, setting off fireworks of questionable legality" and, presumably, not talking to Mike D'Antoni — will make their way into the show; we can only hope that they will, that they will to a large degree, and that at some point we will be treated to a blowout crossover double-feature in which Kaman's gang runs into Chris Andersen, Charlie Ricks and the rest of the crew from "Urban Outdoorsmen." Might want to wait for Sweeps Week before breaking that one out, though.

I'm not much for ... well, any of the off-court stuff Kaman's into, I suppose, but I will be keeping an eye on the series, if for no other reason than to stay up on what I'm sure will be endless Kaman quotables. If the show is indeed unscripted, that's a shame, because I'd like to shake the hand of whoever wrote, "You know what grandeur is? It's awesome."

Hat-tip to Ananth Pandian at The Friendly Bounce.

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Dan Devine is an editor for Ball Don't Lie on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!

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