Failed wedding proposal goes viral

Oh no.
In what could be the most epic failed wedding proposal ever, a man leads his girlfriend of three months to a central spot in a busy shopping mall (not sure where) and breaks into a prepared wedding speech, complete with musical accompaniment and band. Passers-by in the busy mall stop to watch the unfolding drama.
However, things slowly start to unravel.
A cleaner is seen mopping the floor in the background while a kiddy “choo-choo” train interrupts his wedding proposal spiel.
He throws in a couple of cheesy lines from Bruno Mar’s “Just The Way You Are” hit song before he starts to get down on his knees.
But as he starts to go down on his knee, his girlfriend tries to stop him. Watch for yourself what happens next.
OUCH!! The girlfriend then abandons him, leaving him alone by himself in the atrium of the busy mall.
The video has been making its rounds on Facebook since Thursday night and has got 1,766 Likes, 8,377 shares.
While the ending may seem staged, viewers don’t seem to care.
“This video beats any Bollywood movie,” said one viewer.
“So fake but so funny,” said another.