Body of young French man, missing after police clash, found in river

NANTES, France (Reuters) - The body of a young French man, whose disappearance after a clash with police sparked anger over what critics said were rough police tactics, has been found in a river and French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe pledged an inquiry into the affair.

Pierre Sennes, public prosecutor for the western city of Nantes, said on Tuesday the body of 24-year old Steve Canico had been found in the Loire River. Further autopsy results and tests were required to determine the cause of death, he said.

Canico had been missing after a police clash with youths holding a rave party by the Loire in Nantes last month resulted in party-goers falling into the water.

His disappearance led to demonstrations in Nantes and resonated beyond over the tactics of the police, who have already been criticised for injuring protesters during weekly anti-government "yellow vests" protests around the country.

Banners bearing the question "Where Is Steve?" have been held aloft at many of those protests since he disappeared.

(Reporting by Pierre-Baptiste Vanzini; Additional reporting by Sudip Kar-Gupta and Jean-Baptiste Vey; Editing by Michel Rose and Frances Kerry)