Bombs in central Baghdad kill 12 - security sources

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - At least 12 civilians were killed on Friday morning when two bombs exploded in central Baghdad, security sources said. An initial blast in the Bab al-Sharqi district was followed by a car bomb, the sources said. At least 30 people were also wounded in the attack. The area is home to a large market and lies across the Tigris river from the Green Zone, which houses most government buildings. Bombings are frequent in Baghdad, where Sunni insurgents from Islamic State, which controls large swathes of territory in Iraq's north and west, regularly target Shi'ite neighbourhoods with car bombs. At least 21 people were killed on Thursday in bombings at five separate locations and a shooting on the outskirts of Baghdad. (Reporting By Stephen Kalin; Editing by Crispian Balmer)