Border fire from Yemen kills Bangladeshis in Saudi Arabia

DHAKA (Reuters) - At least two Bangladesh nationals were killed last week in Saudi Arabia when Houthi rebels in Yemen fired mortar shells across the border into Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh's ministry of foreign affairs said on Monday. Mizan and Abdul Jalil were working at a farm in the Najran area, 650 kilometers (400 miles) from Jeddah and 50 km (30 miles) from the Yemen border. Saudi Arabia has been leading an Arab coalition in air strikes against Iranian-allied Houthi rebels who have seized large areas of Yemen. Last week the insurgents fired across the border into Saudi Arabia. Khaleda Begum, spokeswoman of Bangladesh Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said Bangladesh diplomats had visited the area immediately after the incident and contacted the employers of the victims as well as family members in Bangladesh. It was the first time Bangladesh citizens had been killed in any incident resulting from the Yemeni violence. Remittances by expatriate workers is a major source of Bangladesh's foreign exchange reserves. An official of the ministry of Expatriates' Welfare and Overseas Employment said that of eight million Bangladeshis working abroad, 2.5 million were in Saudi Arabia. In the fiscal year of 2013/14 (July to June), Bangladesh earned $14.23 billion in remittances. Saudi Arabia accounted for $3.12 billion, according to Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of the country. (Reporting By Serajul Quadir; editing by Ralph Boulton)