Boris Johnson: Comedian Michael Spicer roasts outgoing PM’s speech in ‘immensely satisfying’ video

Comedian Michael Spicer has been praised for his video roasting Boris Johnson’s resignation speech.

Last week, Johnson announced he would step down as prime minister following an onslaught of resignations in protest over his leadership.

Spicer – whose sketches often see him impersonating a fictional, frustrated Johnson aide working in a side-room – shared a video on Tuesday (12 July) mocking the speech.

“Remember it’s time to be humble,” he can be seen telling the outgoing prime minister. “And, just to be on the safe side, I’ve written down the definition of humble and emailed it to you under the subject heading: ‘You have well and truly f***ed everything up.’”

He suggests that Johnson apologise for “partying every single Friday while telling us at the same time we couldn’t sit on a park bench with our nans”.

When Johnson says in his speech that he is proud he “got Brexit done”, Spicer cuts in with: “It’s not done, it’s a mountain of burning tyres that threatens the Good Friday Agreement.”

When Johnson talks about how he got the country through the Covid pandemic, Spicer says: “180,000 people died but, yes, let’s claim it as a triumph, why not? I mean, literally nothing you say matters any more.”

At one point, Spicer calls Johnson a “fart pipe” and gives Johnson’s wife, Carrie, the nickname “Wallpaper Wendy” in reference to the £840-per-roll wallpaper the couple bought for their flat renovation.

Getting increasingly irate, he demands that the prime minister apologise. “Dig right down into that poisonous soul of yours and try to find one apology,” he says.

The video ends with Spicer holding his head in his hands in total despair.

Broadcaster and author Fern Britton was among those to praise the clip. “Totally brilliant and factually correct,” she tweeted. “He is a fart pipe.”

“‘Wallpaper Wendy’ had me snorting water out of my nose,” added another.

A third wrote: “Another slice of perfection. Thank you.”

A fourth said: “You’re the only way I can watch these speeches.”

“Immensely satisfying,” posted a fifth.

A sixth person simply wrote: “Thank you YOU ABSOLUTE BLOODY BEAUTY!”

It was announced yesterday that the new prime minister will be revealed on 5 September, dashing the hopes of many Conservative MPs that Johnson could be forced out of No 10 sooner.

Here are all the Tory MPs who have so far launched leadership campaigns, from Rishi Sunak to Suella Braverman.