Boris Johnson news – latest: Ex-PM already planning ‘worst-case’ scenario by-election

Boris Johnson is already preparing for a “worst case” scenario in which he has to fight a by-election he is expected to lose, allies have said.

MPs investigating whether the former prime minister intentionally misled parliament over his understanding of parties in Downing Street during the pandemic could recommend a suspension of more than 10 days, triggering a contest for his Uxbridge constituency.

“He is planning for the worst case, there’s no point in waiting until they’ve delivered their verdict,” an ally told The Times. “He’ll be ready regardless of the outcome.”

The Labour candidate in a potential contest has promised “honesty and integrity” in politics.

Tory pollster Lord Hayward told The Independent there was “no question” Mr Johnson would lose to Labour in a by-election.

Meanwhile, one senior Tory MP told The Independent the Partygate inquiry and a failed rebellion on Brexit were the “death throes of the Boris cult”, saying the “dying rump” of around 20 to 30 loyalists left would not be able to rebuild support for Mr Johnson in the parliamentary party.

Key Points

  • Boris Johnson planning ‘worst case’ scenario by-election

  • ‘Cult’ of Boris ‘in death throes’ as Tory support fades

  • Ex-PM’s Uxbridge seat at risk, says Tory pollster

Boris Johnson to ‘step up’ campaigning as he ‘braces for worst-case scenario by-election’

10:10 , Liam James

Boris Johnson will step up campaigning in his constituency as concerns grow that he will face a by-election within months if he is found to have deliberately misled Parliament over Downing Street lockdown parties (Thomas Kingsley writes).

It comes after Tory polling guru Lord Hayward warned the former prime minister would lose his Uxbridge and Ruislip seat if he is punished severely by the cross-party committee and forced to fight for his seat.

According to The Times, Mr Johnson is planning for the “worst-case scenario”– that the committee imposes a 10-day suspension from the Commons, which could trigger a by-election.

Boris Johnson to ‘step up’ campaigning as he ‘braces for worst-case by-election’

Question Time: How many audience members thought Boris Johnson was telling the truth

10:00 , Liam James

Roles were reversed for a moment on Thursday’s BBC Question Time, with host Fiona Bruce asking the audience a question.

“Let’s have a show of hands shall we? Who believes Boris Johnson was telling the truth [to the Privileges Committee]?” she asked, as the cameras turned to the studio audience.

Not a single one of them raised their hand.

Watch below on Independent TV:

This is how many Question Time audience members thought Johnson was telling the truth

Rishi Sunak saved over £300,000 due to capital gains tax cut he voted for

09:40 , Liam James

Rishi Sunak has been able to save more than £300,000 on his tax bill in recent years because of a cut to the capital gains rate he voted for back in 2016 (Adam Forrest writes).

The prime minister has raked in more than £4.7m over the past three years and paid £1m in tax, a summary statement published on Thursday revealed.

But his tax bill would have been £308,000 higher if the Tories hadn’t cut the top rate of capital gains tax from 28 per cent to 20 per cent under David Cameron.

At the time of the 2016 tax cut, Mr Sunak told parliament he was confident it would be welcomed by wealthy investors – saying the move had “generated a fresh wave of enthusiasm for investing in British companies”.

Rishi Sunak saved over £300,000 due to capital gains tax cut he voted for

Starmer pays more tax than Sunak despite vast income gap

09:12 , Liam James

Sir Keir Starmer is paying a far greater proportion of his earnings in tax than Rishi Sunak despite the Prime Minister making 10 times more.

The Labour leader paid £118,580 in tax on earnings of £359,720 over the last two years, the summary of his tax return showed. That made his effective tax rate 33 per cent.

Mr Sunak, who earned £3.7 million over the same period, paid a rate of about 22 per cent in tax because most of his earnings came from capital gains.

Income tax on salaries is charged at a higher rate than on capital gains, which cover assets such as properties and shares.

‘Cult’ of Boris Johnson ‘in death throes’ as Tory support fades

08:25 , Liam James

A senior Tory MP told The Independent that the Partygate inquiry and the Brexit vote were the “death throes of Boris cult”, saying the “dying rump” of around 20 to 30 loyalists left would not be able to rebuild support for him in the parliamentary party (Adam Forrest writes).

A former Conservative minister put Mr Johnson’s support among MPs at around 25. He predicted that could recover “slightly”, but estimated that it could rise to “40 max”.

‘Cult’ of Boris Johnson ‘in death throes’ as Tory support fades

Sunak’s Brexit deal to be formally signed today

08:02 , Liam James

Rishi Sunak’s Brexit deal for Northern Ireland will be formally signed off today at an official meeting in London, amid hopes that better UK-EU relations can see benefits in other areas.

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly and the European Commission’s Maros Sefcovic will together chair a meeting that will see the UK and the EU formally adopt the new arrangements for Northern Ireland, after the government won the backing of MPs for the Windsor Framework earlier this week.

The vote by MPs in favour of regulations to implement the Stormont brake, a key part of the Windsor agreement, came despite former prime ministers Boris Johnson and Liz Truss joining the Democratic Unionist Party and hardline Brexit-backing Tory MPs in voting against the deal.

Putting up prices will only lead to more inflation, says Bailey

07:50 , Liam James

The Bank of England’s boss has warned that raising prices could lead to higher inflation which will hurt the “least well off”.

In an interview with BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, the Bank’s governor Andrew Bailey said: “I would say to people who are setting prices – please understand if we get inflation embedded, interest rates will have to go up further and higher inflation really benefits nobody.”

He added: “If all prices try to beat inflation we will get higher inflation.”

Mr Bailey said higher inflation “really benefits nobody”, adding: “It hurts people, and it particularly hurts the least well off in society.”

Boris Johnson planning ‘worst case’ scenario

07:32 , Liam James

Boris Johnson is already preparing for a “worst case” scenario in which he has to fight a by-election he is expected to lose, allies have said.

If the Privileges Committee recommends he be suspended for more than 10 days, Mr Johnson would be forced into a contest for his Uxbridge constituency.

“He is planning for the worst case, there’s no point in waiting until they’ve delivered their verdict,” an ally told The Times. “He’ll be ready regardless of the outcome.”

The Labour candidate in a potential election has promised “honesty and integrity” in politics.

Watch: Boris Johnson is 'finished', says senior Tory Caroline Nokes

07:00 , Emily Atkinson

How Rishi Sunak made his money

06:00 , Emily Atkinson

Rishi Sunak’s vast fortune was thrust centre stage once again following the publication of his personal tax affairs.

The long-awaited tax documents cover the past four years, and summarise Mr Sunak’s UK taxable income, capital gains and tax paid as reported to HMRC, prepared by accountancy service Evelyn Partners.

The prime minister raked in more than £4.7m over the past three years, the tax return revealed – making more than £1.9m last year alone, including £1.6m in capital gains and more than £300,000 in earnings and investment income.

More on this here:

How Rishi Sunak made his money

John Rentoul: Keir Starmer’s promises on crime will come back to bite him

05:00 , Emily Atkinson

Keir Starmer had a good moment at Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday. Rishi Sunak accused Labour of being soft on crime, and Starmer retorted: “The only criminal investigation that the prime minister has ever been involved in is the one that found him guilty of breaking the law.”

Keir Starmer’s promises on crime will come back to bite him | John Rentoul

Watch: Parliament blocks TikTok in latest ban on Chinese-owned app over security fears

04:00 , Emily Atkinson

Tom Peck: Boris Johnson looked more prime suspect than prime minister at his Partygate hearing

03:00 , Emily Atkinson

At 2pm, into a de facto courtroom in Westminster, walked the world’s worst liar, writes Tom Peck.

Rather unluckily for him, he was on trial for lying, and had very little choice but to spend the next three-and-a-half hours trying to lie his way out of it. And though the consequences were predictable, they were no less spectacular for it.

Johnson more prime suspect than prime minister at his Partygate hearing | Tom Peck

Keir Starmer’s tax return reveals he paid higher rate than Rishi Sunak last year

02:00 , Emily Atkinson

Sir Keir Starmer was effectively taxed at a rate of nearly 32 per cent in the past financial year, while the prime minister, a multimillionaire, paid tax in effect at just over 22 per cent, analysis by The Independent shows.

The Labour leader earned £126,154 in salary as an MP and leader of the opposition, on which he paid £43,103 in income tax, according to his newly published tax return for 2021-22.

He also earned nearly £85,000 in capital gains from the sale of a house that he helped his sister to buy. On that, he paid £23,930 in tax.

More from Jane Dalton and Kate Devlin here:

Keir Starmer paid higher rate of tax than Rishi Sunak last year, returns reveal

Watch: Tearful Nicola Sturgeon receives standing ovation after final First Minister speech

01:00 , Emily Atkinson

Rishi Sunak saved over £300,000 due to capital gains tax cut he voted for

00:00 , Emily Atkinson

Rishi Sunak has been able to save more than £300,000 on his tax bill in recent years because of a cut to the capital gains rate he voted for back in 2016.

The prime minister has raked in more than £4.7m over the past three years and paid £1m in tax, a summary statement published on Thursday revealed.

But his tax bill would have been £308,000 higher if the Tories hadn’t cut the top rate of capital gains tax from 28 per cent to 20 per cent under David Cameron.

More from our Whitehall editor Kate Devlin and political correspondent Adam Forrest here:

Rishi Sunak saved over £300,000 due to capital gains tax cut he voted for

Sunak-Rama joint statement continued...

Thursday 23 March 2023 23:00 , Emily Atkinson

The joint statement by Rishi Sunak and Edi Rama went on: “On criminal justice co-operation, the leaders welcomed ongoing joint work on extraditions, prosecutions and forensics capabilities, and the removal of hundreds of prisoners under existing agreements.

“They agreed that a joint UK-Albanian team will conduct an assessment of Albania’s prison capacity - to be concluded by the end of April - with a view to returning all eligible Albanian nationals in the UK prison system.

“Finally, the prime ministers welcomed progress on business and university cooperation, including the launch of the new British Chamber of Commerce in Albania, a doubling of the market risk appetite for UK export finance support for Albania to £4 billion to facilitate investment, and the deepening of links between UK and Albanian universities.”


Sunak and Rama promise to work together on illegal migration

Thursday 23 March 2023 22:00 , Emily Atkinson

Rishi Sunak and Albanian prime minister Edi Rama promised to work together to tackle illegal migration and people-smuggling gangs, according to a joint statement after they met.

Here’s the statement in full:

“The leaders set out their shared ambition to broaden and deepen the UK-Albania relationship, co-operating on addressing global and regional threats and strengthening our bilateral partnership.

“They noted significant opportunities to grow trade, investment and technology links, and Prime Minister Sunak again welcomed the significant contribution of the long-standing Albanian community in the UK to British life,” the statement said.


“As Nato allies, fellow members of the UN Security Council and close partners, the leaders also reaffirmed their commitment to working together to protect the security of our citizens, defend democracy and promote human rights, including through a robust international response to aggression by Russia. This will include assisting Albanian cyber defence to protect against online threats.

“Prime Minister Sunak and Prime Minister Rama committed to deepen work under the Joint Communique and Taskforce agreed in December, to take forward our shared priority on tackling illegal migration and criminal people-smuggling gangs.

“They discussed increased operational co-operation, including joint upstream communications to deter people from travelling in the first place, and further agreements on data sharing and passports. The leaders welcomed progress to date, with around 800 illegal migrants returning to Albania since December, action on organised crime and new UK guidance designating Albania a safe country.”

Boris Johnson should quit as MP, says daughter of woman who died from Covid during Downing Street party

Thursday 23 March 2023 21:00 , Emily Atkinson

A woman whose mother died of coronavirus just days before one of the Downing Street parties has called for Boris Johnson to quit as an MP after he denied “hand on heart” lying to MPs over rule-breaking.

Naomi Fulop, who was prevented by restrictions from being with her siblings to grieve properly or have a full funeral, said it was clear the former prime minister had not been honest with the Privileges Committee investigating his statements.

Prof Fulop told The Independent: “It’s totally clear to me and I think to most of the population that he was telling people to do one thing and doing something else himself because he thinks the rules don’t apply to him.

My colleague Jane Dalton has more:

Johnson should quit, says daughter of woman who died during Downing Street party

Watch: Starmer criticises 'Boris Johnson circus' as he lays out Labour's crime and policing agenda

Thursday 23 March 2023 20:00 , Emily Atkinson

Scottish government bans officials from using TikTok

Thursday 23 March 2023 19:30 , Emily Atkinson

The Scottish government has banned social media app TikTok from its mobile phones and other corporate devices following discussions with the UK government.

The move comes after the UK government banned the app on its phones amid fears of sensitive data being accessed by the Chinese government - though Beijing’s embassy in the UK has hit out at the move.

Deputy first minister John Swinney said on Thursday the ban will begin immediately.

 (PA Wire)
(PA Wire)

He said: “Devices managed by the Scottish Government are configured in line with best practice from the National Cyber Security Centre, which helps us to manage any risk associated with the use of third-party applications.

“Our decision to prohibit the use of TikTok follows engagement with the UK Government on the potential tracking and privacy risks from certain social media apps.

“Currently there is limited use of TikTok within Government and limited need for staff to use the app on work devices. This ban will be implemented immediately. It does not extend to personal devices used by staff or the general public.”

NI Brexit deal to be formally signed off on Friday

Thursday 23 March 2023 19:00 , Emily Atkinson

Rishi Sunak’s Brexit deal for Northern Ireland will be formally signed off on Friday at an official meeting in London, after MPs voted this week to back the Windsor Framework.

Foreign secretary James Cleverly and the European Commission’s Maros Sefcovic will together chair a meeting that will see the UK and the EU formally adopt the new arrangements for Northern Ireland, a deal sealed last month following protracted negotiations.

 (PA Wire)
(PA Wire)

MPs on Wednesday overwhelmingly backed regulations to implement the Stormont brake, a key part of the Windsor Framework, despite former prime ministers Boris Johnson and Liz Truss joining the Democratic Unionist Party and hardline Brexit-backing Tory MPs in voting against the deal.

The formal sign-off comes as Sir Jeffrey Donaldson’s party continues to oppose the deal brokered by the Government, with no sign of the DUP yet being willing to return to powersharing.

Edi Rama urges Sunak to ensure safety of Albanian refugees

Thursday 23 March 2023 18:30 , Emily Atkinson

Albania’s prime minister said he wants all Albanians in the UK to feel “safe” and “honoured”, after earlier criticising the home secretary’s “disgraceful” rhetoric about migrants from his country.

Speaking alongside Rishi Sunak, Edi Rama said his visit to Downing Street is “an opportunity to underline that just as all Britons are not James Bond or Mr Bean, not all Albanians are some characters out of Taken”.

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Mr Rama told Mr Sunak in No 10 on Thursday: “Dua Lipa is not just simply a British singer, but she’s an Albanian immigrant that has come here, as many have come to construct, to nurse, to cook and to sing for you, and we want to make sure that this community feels not only safe but feels honoured here.

“And the rotten apples are our common objective to be gone after and to win this battle.”

Sunak welcomes Albanian PM to No 10

Thursday 23 March 2023 18:00 , Emily Atkinson

Edi Rama said he was “very honoured” to be the first Albanian premier to visit 10 Downing Street.

He told Rishi Sunak ahead of their full talks: “I’m very honoured. As you know, this is the first official visit of an Albanian prime minister in this historic and admirable building. And I thank you for that.

“It’s a particular moment in our cooperation. As you said, we are joining forces with full conviction that we have to make the utmost to crack down the criminal networks and also to avoid for innocent people to get into the hook of these networks.”


‘Cult’ of Boris Johnson ‘in death throes’ as Tory support fades

Thursday 23 March 2023 17:26 , Emily Atkinson

This week’s double parliamentary humiliation marked the “death throes” of the Boris Johnson “cult” with only a rump of loyalists now supporting him, Tory MPs have said.

The former prime minister was forced to plead “hand on heart” that he had not lied to MPs over the Partygate scandal.

He also failed to lead a successful Commons revolt against Rishi Sunak’s post-Brexit agreement, which passed the Commons by a huge majority of 486.

Our Whitehall editor Kate Devlin and political correspondent Adam Forrest have more:

‘Cult’ of Boris Johnson ‘in death throes’ as Tory support fades

Carol Vorderman in row with women’s minister

Thursday 23 March 2023 16:55 , Emily Atkinson

Carol Vorderman has called on the women’s minister to resign after she could not “be bothered to turn up” to a committee hearing about the menopause - but the politician has accused the TV presenter of not dealing in facts.

Maria Caulfield took to Twitter a day after the Women and Equalities Committee session to say she had been unable to attend as she was with campaigners at a meeting “which had been in the diary for months”.

The MP, who is also minister for women’s health strategy, tweeted that she was “not a punch bag” and said anyone who posted “misleading information” about her would be blocked on the social media platform.

Former Countdown star Vorderman posted a screenshot on Twitter indicating she had been blocked by the Government minister, and wrote: “Maria, show some respect & RESIGN.”

When challenged by another Twitter user about blocking Vorderman, Ms Caulfield replied: “She hasn’t pointed out facts. I couldn’t attend yesterday as I was seeing women campaigners against painful hysteroscopy which had been in the diary for months. I have given alternative dates to the committee and they are the facts.”

The committee said it had invited Ms Caulfield to appear before members to discuss the Government’s plans for action on menopause in the workplace “but the Minister refused the invitation”.

Committee chairwoman Caroline Nokes confirmed at the end of Wednesday’s session that Ms Caulfield is expected to appear for a hearing in June.

Starmer shares tax return

Thursday 23 March 2023 16:34 , Emily Atkinson

Sir Keir Starmer’s tax statement shows he made capital gains of £85,466 in the financial year 2021/22, on which he paid £23,930 in capital gains tax.

It said the sum reflected his share of the capital gains when his sister decided to sell a house he had helped her buy.

That was on top of his £126,154 income for being an MP and Leader of the Opposition.

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

RIP Brexit – the great dividing force has finally lost all its power | Voices

Thursday 23 March 2023 16:20 , Liam James

Sean O’Grady’s take on the day Brexit finally ‘got done’:

Whatever the fate now of Boris Johnson – which can no longer include a return to power – there is hope in the spring air.

Hope, that, after some seven years of Brexit agonies, our long national nightmare may be drawing to a close. Like Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage, Jeremy Corbyn, Jacob Rees-Mogg, and so many other of the dramatis personae, Brexit is slowly but perceptibly fading into the distance, morphing from live national debate into a topic for lively historical debate, rather like the Iraq War, Suez or appeasement before it.

Increasingly, and thankfully, it seems to be losing its power to divide families and friends, and to poison our political system. There’s no denying that the malign economic, cultural and geopolitical consequences of Brexit will reverberate for years (if not decades) to come, and no doubt we’re worse off out; but there is some sense that the British have at last become exhausted by civil war.

RIP Brexit – the great dividing force has finally lost all its power | Sean O’Grady

Rees-Mogg ‘too full of bantz’, says Penny Mordaunt

Thursday 23 March 2023 15:53 , Liam James

Commons leader Penny Mordaunt has suggested that critics of the Privileges Committee “might have been too full of bantz”.

Arch loyalist Jacob Rees-Mogg, who was in the room supporting Boris Johnson during Wednesday’s evidence session, said his friend was “doing very well against the marsupials”, a reference to the charge the former prime minister was facing a “kangaroo court”.

Ms Mordaunt told MPs during Commons Business questions: “I would gently point out to those colleagues who have mentioned, for example, marsupials that they might have been too full of bantz when they made those remarks.

“The committee needs to get on with its work.”

Mr Johnson, like his allies, has sought to discredit the committee, yesterday accusing members of prejudice.

Boris Johnson would lose constituency in by-election, says Tory pollster

Thursday 23 March 2023 14:52 , Liam James

A Tory polling guru said the former prime minister would lose his Uxbridge and Ruislip seat if he is punished severely by the cross-party committee and forced to face a by-election in the months ahead.

Lord Hayward told The Independent: “Although the position for the Conservatives is improving, under current circumstances the Tories would lose a by-election in Uxbridge. There’s no question the party would face defeat to Labour.”

The Tory polling expert said it was “difficult to judge” whether Mr Johnson’s own appeal could defy the grim national polling for the Tories. “If the Lib Dems choose to compete hard against Labour, it might just make it possible it could be saved,” he said.

Boris Johnson would lose Uxbridge by-election, says Tory pollster

Fund food banks with plastic bag charge, says Labour MP

Thursday 23 March 2023 14:28 , Liam James

Money raised from plastic bag charges in supermarkets should be used to fund food banks, ministers have been told.

Labour MP Barry Sheerman made the suggestion after warning “the food bank network is crumbling”.

He was speaking in the Commons during an urgent question on food price inflation, and urged environment minister Mark Spencer to address demand on food banks.

The single-use plastic carrier bag charge in England was introduced in supermarkets in 2015 and increased from 5p to 10p in 2021.

Nicola Sturgeon in emotional goodbye

Thursday 23 March 2023 14:00 , Liam James

Nicola Sturgeon held back tears as she delivered a final thank you to the people of Scotland in her final First Minister’s Questions.

She said: “Whether you voted for me or not ... thank you so much for placing your trust in me.

“Words will never adequately convey the gratitude and the awe I hold in my heart for the opportunity I have had to serve as your First Minister. It truly has been the privilege of my lifetime.”

Ms Sturgeon last month announced her intention to resign, citing exhaustion.

Sturgeon at her final FMQs in Holyrood (Reuters)
Sturgeon at her final FMQs in Holyrood (Reuters)

Boris Johnson is ‘finished’, says senior Tory after Partygate hearing

Thursday 23 March 2023 13:39 , Liam James

Boris Johnson’s attempt at a political comeback is “finished”, according to senior Tory figure after his torrid grilling by MPs at the televised Partygate inquiry hearing (Adam Forrest writes).

The former prime minister is struggling to revive his political career after the cross-party committee investigating his Partygate denials denounced the “flimsy” assurances they were based on.

Ex-cabinet minister Caroline Nokes said Mr Johnson’s unlikely comeback hopes were “finished”, as the committee suggested he had failed to correctly interpret his own Covid guidance or seek proper advice.

Boris Johnson is ‘finished’, says senior Tory after Partygate hearing

Boris Johnson 'acted outside of good faith’ with Sinn Fein

Thursday 23 March 2023 13:20 , Liam James

Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald said that Boris Johnson‘s government was not “upfront” with unionism, and was determined to act “in a unilateral fashion”.

Ms McDonald, leader of Ireland’s opposition, also said she had found Mr Johnson‘s tenure as prime minister difficult and frustrating, adding that there was a tendency to act “outside of good faith”.

She was speaking as the former Tory leader voted against a key element of the latest EU-UK deal on the protocol.

The Windsor Framework unveiled by Rishi Sunak last month was hailed as a significant breakthrough in outstanding problems with post-Brexit trade in Northern Ireland.

On Wednesday, Mr Johnson staged a failed rebellion against the deal. Members of Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party were among the 29 MPs to vote against the Stormont brake aspect of the deal, with 515 voting in favour of it.

Rishi Sunak’s £4.7m earnings ‘positive’, says Tory chair as tax campaigners call for change

Thursday 23 March 2023 13:00 , Liam James

Rishi Sunak’s huge earnings are “a positive” because wealthy people pay a lot of tax, Conservative chairman Greg Hands has said (Adam Forrest writes).

Mr Hands described Mr Sunak’s earnings and tax bill as a “positive”, saying “we want to have, in this country, wealthy people paying a lot of tax”.

He told ITV’s Peston: “I think we should be proud of the fact that people are paying tax in this country and proud of the fact they’re financing our excellent public services.”

Rishi Sunak’s £4.7m earnings ‘positive’, says Tory chair amid calls for change

Boris Johnson shows no respect for ‘national sacrifice’ – Starmer

Thursday 23 March 2023 12:32 , Liam James

Labour’s leader said the “circus of the last few days” around Boris Johnson’s Privileges Committee hearing was a reminder of the former prime minister’s “total disrespect for a national sacrifice”.

Sir Keir Starmer said: “That’s why I found the pandemic parties in Downing Street under Boris Johnson so reprehensible.

“The circus of the last few days – a reminder of his total disrespect for a national sacrifice.

“That’s why I said I’d resign, if I’d broken those same rules. I just couldn’t have looked the British people in the eye and asked for their trust.”

Rishi Sunak ‘glad’ to have published his tax returns

Thursday 23 March 2023 12:10 , Liam James

The prime minister said he was “glad” to have published his tax returns “in the interests of transparency”.

Sunak ‘married well’, says Tory pollster

Thursday 23 March 2023 12:00 , Liam James

Asked if Rishi Sunak’s tax return, showing the PM made more than £4.7m in three years, Tory peer and pollster Lord Hayward told Sky News: “Everybody knows he is a rich man.”

He added: “He married well. He has got a big income but he has disclosed it. People have to judge it on that basis. But it doesn’t come as a surprise that he is a rich man.”

Boris shedding support in Tory ranks?

Thursday 23 March 2023 11:30 , Liam James

Boris Johnson’s disastrous Wednesday will have more than halved his number of supporters in the Tory party, a former minister estimate.

Speaking to The Guardian, the unnamed Conservative said: “Before today, I thought there was a rump of 60-70 supporters in the party who could resurrect Boris. Now I’d put that number at about 25.”

Sturgeon faces final First Minister’s Questions

Thursday 23 March 2023 11:00 , Liam James

Turning away from Boris Johnson for a moment to mark the closing days of Nicola Sturgeon’s time as First Minister of Scotland:

Nicola Sturgeon today faces her final First Minister’s Questions after more than eight years as head of the Scottish Government.

The SNP leader announced last month she was stepping down from her role, saying she no longer has the stamina to carry on.

In Holyrood this afternoon, the 52-year-old will face off for the last time against Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross and Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar.

Afterwards she will give her final statement to Parliament as Scotland’s First Minister and on Friday will carry out her last official engagement.

Sturgeon in the chamber yesterday (Getty)
Sturgeon in the chamber yesterday (Getty)

Boris ‘perfectly reasonable’ to think leaving drinks met Covid guidance

Thursday 23 March 2023 10:30 , Liam James

Former cabinet minister Jacob Rees-Mogg said it was “perfectly reasonable” for Boris Johnson to think No 10 leaving dos were in the remit of Covid regulations.

Speaking to TalkTV about Mr Johnson’s appearance before the Privileges Committee, Mr Rees-Mogg said: “The rule on what you could do in a workplace were essentially a ‘best efforts’ rule in terms of social distancing. If you had to be in an office, you had to be in an office and you had to do your best to maintain social distancing.

“But you were allowed to carry on with the ordinary business of an office, and therefore it was perfectly reasonable of the prime minister to think that the farewell events that were held were the ordinary business of the office.”

He added: “ It is quite clear from yesterday that the prime minister spoke in good faith.

More from Mr Rees-Mogg below:

New poll finds vast majority of Britons think Boris Johnson is dishonest

Thursday 23 March 2023 10:00 , Liam James

The vast majority of Britons think Boris Johnson is dishonest, a new poll has found after the former prime minister insisted he did not lie to MPs over Partygate during a heated inquiry hearing.

The YouGov poll found that 72 per cent of Britons think Mr Johnson is dishonest, while 51 per cent of Conservative voters and 59 per cent of pro-Brexit voters polled believe the same.

It comes after the former prime minister faced a tense showdown at the Commons Privileges Committee on Wednesday over whether he lied to MPs with his denials of lockdown-busting parties held in Downing Street.

New poll finds vast majority of Britons think Boris Johnson is dishonest

Rishi Sunak asked about Boris Johnson’s Partygate committee reference

Thursday 23 March 2023 09:38 , Liam James

Boris Johnson yesterday tried to drag Rishi Sunak into the Privileges Committee investigation over Partygate.

Mr Johnson said his former chancellor did not understand why he got a fixed penalty notice for attending a lockdown-breaching event.

Asked about the remark, Mr Sunak said: “Well I can’t obviously comment on an ongoing parliamentary process, I’ll let that play out, and with regard to myself, I addressed that at the time, apologised unreservedly for what happened.”

Boris by-election spells ‘serious problems’ for Tories, says pollster

Thursday 23 March 2023 09:15 , Liam James

A by-election in Boris Johnson’s seat could “cause serious problems” for the Conservative Party, according to a Tory pollster.

Should the Privileges Committee find the former prime minister to have been in contempt of Parliament after offering assurances that Covid rules were followed during partygate, it could call for a suspension and MPs could trigger a by-election if the suspension is for 10 days or more.

Tory peer Lord Hayward, asked on Sky News what a potential by-election in Uxbridge and South Ruislip could mean for the Conservatives, said: “It would cause serious problems.

“The party doesn’t want a by-election. My guess is that if there were a by-election, certainly on current polls we would lose the constituency and therefore it’s something that is there but we can’t prejudge what the committee will decide.”

Asked about Mr Johnson’s popularity with Tory members, Lord Hayward replied: “I think his support is diminishing and his impact on the party is diminishing the longer that Rishi Sunak is Prime Minister.”

Boris ‘won in court of public opinion’, claims Rees-Mogg

Thursday 23 March 2023 08:53 , Liam James

Arch-loyalist Jacob Rees-Mogg claimed Boris Johnson had “won” public support with his defences – despite them being met with exasperation by multiple members of the cross-party panel of MPs grilling him.

The Tory MP told Channel 4 News: “Boris Johnson today has won in the court of public opinion.”

He added: “I think that if Boris Johnson went to a by-election he would win it comfortably. Because I think he’s winning in the court of public opinion, who see this as a kangaroo court.”

Boris performance was ‘bit of a mess’, says former comms chief

Thursday 23 March 2023 08:34 , Liam James

Offering his verdict on Thursday’s hearing, Will Walden, Mr Johnson’s former communication chief, told LBC: “He’ll be wanting to tell himself it’s all alright – but I don’t think it is, really.

“It was a bit of mess. He managed to last to the end of the first proper question before he got angry. At times he was churlish, frustrated, disbelieving, stroppy, shameless.”

Mr Walden added: “A man with an elastic relationship with the truth, swearing on a bible to tell the truth about whether in the past he told the truth or not – I mean you literally couldn’t make it up!”

Boris Johnson claimed No 10 drinks party was for official who didn’t leave until month later

Thursday 23 March 2023 08:15 , Liam James

Boris Johnson has been urged to correct his Partygate inquiry testimony after he was found to have claimed a No 10 party marked the exit of the top civil servant who did not resign until a month later.

The former Tory prime minister claimed the notorious “bring your own booze” garden party on 20 May 2020 had been aimed at motivating staff because cabinet secretary Mark Sedwill had quit.

But Mr Sedwill did not resign until 29 June 2020 – more than a month later – revealing he would step down from his top Downing Street role in September.

Adam Forrest looks at the former prime minister’s evidence:

Boris Johnson claimed No 10 party was for official who didn’t leave until month later

Senior Tory says Boris Johnson ‘finished'

Thursday 23 March 2023 07:49 , Liam James

Senior Tory MP Caroline Nokes said Boris Johnson’s comeback hopes were “finished” after the Partygate inquiry committee suggested he had failed to correctly interpret his own Covid guidance or seek proper assurances.

Asked if Mr Johnson is finished if he is punished by the committee, Ms Nokes told ITV’s Peston: “I think that Boris Johnson is finished anyway. I think there was a very clear message from his own ministers back in the summer that they didn’t want him to carry on.”

“He didn’t choose to stand against Rishi Sunak back in the autumn when we had the second leadership challenge. As far as I’m concerned, Boris Johnson is not coming back as prime minister.”

Gallagher says Boris Johnson got his ‘ass handed to him’

Thursday 23 March 2023 07:30 , Alisha Rahaman Sarkar

Liam Gallagher was among those chastising Boris Johnson as the former prime minister addressed the Privileges Committee over the Partygate scandal yesterday.

“Boris Johnson getting his fat ass handed to him on a plate who’s says the nowt on TV these days marvellous [sic],” the former Oasis frontman tweeted during the broadcasted hearing.

Gallagher has made a number of political statements in the past, last year dedicating his NME award for Music Moment of the Year to NHS workers and “all the people that give a s*** in general”.

Tom Murray reports.

Liam Gallagher says Boris Johnson got his ‘ass handed to him’ during Partygate probe

ICYMI | Boris Johnson was warned against claiming all Covid guidance followed new Partygate evidence reveals

Thursday 23 March 2023 07:00 , Emily Atkinson

Britain’s most senior civil servant has said he did not give Boris Johnson any assurances that Covid rules were followed at all times in No 10 during lockdown.

Cabinet secretary Simon Case said he offered no assurances in written evidence given to the cross-party privileges committee due to grill Mr Johnson later on whether he misled MPs over the Partygate scandal.

It has also emerged that Mr Johnson was warned by his principle private secretary Martyn Reynolds against claiming that all Covid guidance had been followed – but went ahead and made a denial in the Commons.

Matt Mathers and Adam Forrest have more:

Boris Johnson was warned against claiming all Covid guidance followed

Boris Johnson shouts ‘complete nonsense’ during grilling

Thursday 23 March 2023 06:50 , Alisha Rahaman Sarkar

Boris Johnson lost his cool and shouted “complete nonsense” during his three-hour grilling by the Privileges Committee yesterday.

He was livid after Tory veteran Sir Bernard Jenkin suggested that the former prime minister did not seek “proper” advice before telling MPs that no parties took place in Downing Street during Covid lockdown.

“This is complete nonsense, I mean, complete nonsense,” he said. “I asked the relevant people. They were senior people. They had been working very hard. Jack Doyle gave me a clear account of what had happened.”

Mary Lou McDonald says Boris government was ‘not upfront’ with unionism

Thursday 23 March 2023 06:30 , Alisha Rahaman Sarkar

Mary Lou McDonald has said that Boris Johnson’s government had not been “upfront” with unionism, and had been determined to act “in a unilateral fashion”.

The Sinn Fein president added that she had found Mr Johnson’s tenure as British prime minister difficult and frustrating, saying that there was a tendency to act “outside of good faith”.

Ms McDonald was speaking in a pre-recorded interview for ITV show Peston as the former Tory leader voted against a key element of the latest EU-UK deal on the protocol.

Read more here.

Mary Lou McDonald says Boris Johnson government was ‘not upfront’ with unionism

What were the Covid rules and guidance when Boris Johnson attended parties?

Thursday 23 March 2023 06:00 , Emily Atkinson

Boris Johnson has endured a tense showdown with MPs who are investigating whether he intentionally misled Parliament over parties held at Downing Street during the Covid lockdown.

Mr Johnson, who was prime minister at the time, this week admitted that he did mislead MPs, but has denied doing so “intentionally or recklessly”, saying he relied on advice from aides during the events at No 10 that took place between May 2020 and April 2021.

As Covid-19 swept the UK, the government laid out rules for everyone to follow, which were passed into law, in an attempt to curb its spread and reduce pressures on the NHS. But it also published guidance, including for employers, on working arrangements to reduce the risk of employees spreading the virus.

My colleague Jane Dalton has the details here:

What were the Covid rules and guidance when Boris Johnson attended parties?

Boris Johnson suffers double Commons humiliation

Thursday 23 March 2023 05:30 , Alisha Rahaman Sarkar

Boris Johnson was dealt two humiliating blows in parliament yesterday as he was forced to plead “hand on heart” that he had not lied to MPs over Partygate while he also failed to lead a Commons revolt against Rishi Sunak.

During an occasionally bad-tempered three-hour grilling, the former prime minister defended the decision to hold parties inside No 10 during the pandemic – including one attended by his wife and his interior designer – saying they had been “necessary” for work purposes.

It also emerged that Mr Johnson had been explicitly warned against claiming that all Covid guidance had been followed – but did so anyway.

Meanwhile, his efforts to undermine Mr Sunak’s post-Brexit agreement with the EU ended in abject failure as a vote on the Windsor Framework passed the Commons by a mammoth majority of 486.

Kate Devlin and Adam Forrest report.

Blustering Boris Johnson suffers double Commons humiliation over Partygate and Brexit

Who is Sir Bernard Jenkin and who else is on the Privileges Committee?

Thursday 23 March 2023 05:00 , Emily Atkinson

Who is Sir Bernard Jenkin and who else is on the Privileges Committee?

Boris Johnson’s political career in peril

Thursday 23 March 2023 04:30 , Alisha Rahaman Sarkar

Boris Johnson is fighting for his political future after MPs investigating his partygate denials denounced the “flimsy” assurances they were based on.

In at times short-tempered testimony lasting more than three hours, the former prime minister insisted there was not a “shred of evidence” to show he lied to MPs.

It would have been “utterly insane” for him to have misled parliament, he told the Privileges Committee that could recommend his suspension from the Commons.

If a proposal for a 10-day suspension is voted through by MPs, a by-election in Mr Johnson’s seat could be triggered, potentially spelling the end of his parliamentary career.

Read more here.

Johnson’s political career in peril after combative partygate inquiry hearing

Liam Gallagher says Boris Johnson got his ‘ass handed to him’ during Partygate probe

Thursday 23 March 2023 04:00 , Emily Atkinson

Liam Gallagher was among those chastising Boris Johnson as the former prime minister addressed the privileges committee over the Partygate scandal on Wednesday.

Over more than three hours, Mr Johnson was grilled about whether he knew parties were being held in Downing Street during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Boris Johnson getting his fat ass handed to him on a plate who’s says the nowt on TV these days marvellous [sic],” the former Oasis frontman tweeted during the broadcasted hearing.

More on this here:

Liam Gallagher says Boris Johnson got his ‘ass handed to him’ during Partygate probe

Watch: Johnson shown supercut of times he told parliament he followed the rules

Thursday 23 March 2023 03:00 , Emily Atkinson

Blustering Boris Johnson suffers double Commons humiliation over Partygate and Brexit

Thursday 23 March 2023 02:00 , Emily Atkinson

Boris Johnson’s hopes of a political comeback appeared dashed on Wednesday after he was accused of “flimsy” excuses on Partygate at the same time as he failed to lead a Commons revolt against Rishi Sunak.

During an occasionally bad-tempered televised hearing into the scandal, the former prime minister defended parties inside No 10 during the pandemic – including one attended by his wife and interior designer – as “necessary” for work purposes.

It also emerged Mr Johnson had been explicitly warned against claiming all Covid guidance had been followed – but did so anyway.

Our Whitehall editor Kate Devlin and political correspondent Adam Forrest report:

Blustering Boris Johnson suffers double Commons humiliation over Partygate and Brexit

Boris Johnson: People who say garden party event was purely social are ‘quite wrong’ – watch

Thursday 23 March 2023 01:00 , Emily Atkinson

During Boris Johnson’s Partygate hearing, Labour MP Yvonne Fovargue asked the ex-PM about his former aide Lee Cain’s claim that a party in the Downing Street garden was a “purely social event”.

Mr Johnson said it was “not a large social gathering”. He added: “People who say we were partying at No 10 simply do not know what they are talking about.”

Watch their exchange here:

Mick Hucknall brands Boris Johnson ‘despicable’ amid Partygate committee hearing

Thursday 23 March 2023 00:00 , Emily Atkinson

Mick Hucknall has vehemently condemned former prime minister Boris Johnson for denying that he lied about partying during the Covid lockdown.

Johnson is currently facing inquiries into whether or not he misled the House of Commons in their Partygate investigation. During Wednesday’s committee hearing, Johnson said that claims he was “partying during lockdown” were false.

In the hearing, Johnson attempted to justify one particular gathering for departing aid Lee Cain, claiming they “had to happen”.

Inga Parkel reports:

Mick Hucknall brands Boris Johnson ‘despicable’ amid Partygate committee hearing