Boy charged with seven sex offences at school

A desk containing a pot of pens, pencils and a ruler. In the background is a folder of paperwork and a computer keyboard.
The allegations were made at a secondary school in north Essex last year [Getty Images]

A boy has been charged amid an investigation into seven sexual offences alleged to have taken place at a school.

The allegations were initially made at a secondary school in north Essex in March 2023, the county's police force said.

Essex Police said those affected were receiving support from specialist services while inquiries continued.

The boy, who is under the age of 16, has denied the offences and is due before a youth court in August.

The BBC has not named the school in order to protect identities.

The boy was charged with five counts of non-penetrative sexual activity with a girl aged between 13 and 15.

Two further charges included sexual assault on a female and penetrative sexual activity with a girl aged between 13 and 15.

"We continue to work closely with the school and local authorities," a police spokeswoman said.

Essex County Council has been contacted for comment.

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