Boy George’s childhood friend predicts what will happen with Matt Hancock

Boy George’s friend, DJ Fat Tony, has said the musician’s reaction to Matt Hancock entering the jungle was genuine.

On Wednesday night (9 November), Hancock joined the jungle with comedian Seann Walsh, to the shock of their fellow contestants.

On screen, Boy George was upset by the revelation:“You know, beginning of the pandemic my mum was in hospital. I wasn’t allowed to see her. I thought she was going to die,” he told presenter Scarlette Douglas.

“I was tweeting Greenwich hospital going, ‘Please look after my mum.’ I used my name, I was like, ‘Please look after my mum.’ And they did, she was fine… I feel like, I don’t want to be sitting here like I’m having fun with him.”

“It’s difficult for me because, you know, had something happened, if my mum had gone, I wouldn’t be here now. I would have gone when he walked in,” he added.

Boy George also broke down in tears while addressing the camera privately, saying: “If I had lost my mum, I would go. And I feel a little bit selfish, you know, just kind of… everyone’s so nice to him and I was like Jesus, what we gonna do?

“I don’t want to spoil this experience for myself. I’m not good at hiding what I feel. Especially when it’s something so strong,” he added.

"That’s really George, the tears, they weren’t put on for the camera,” Fat Tony said, reacting to George crying while speaking on Lorraine this morning (10 November).

"That whole situation, he’s speaking for a nation,” he continued. “George is one of those people that doesn’t harbour [how he feels], he’ll voice it to a few people, then he’ll go and voice it [to Hancock].”

"I give him two more days before he expresses his feelings to Matt Hancock,” he predicted. "He’s going to have that conversation that the rest of the nation want.”

Fat Tony also said Boy George’s conversation with Hancock would be an “intelligent” rather than a “confrontational” one.

Also in last night’s episode, Charlene White of Loose Women grilled Hancock over his decision to join the show.

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I’m a Celebrity airs at 9pm on ITV.