'Boy Meets World' Star Ben Savage Officially Announces Run For Congress

“Boy Meets World” star Ben Savage officially launched his campaign for Congress on Monday with a pitch for what his potential leadership would bring to the 30th District of California.

Savage filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission in January to run for Congress as a Democrat in 2024. He is seeking the House seat currently held by Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, who announced in late December that he is running for Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Senate seat.

Savage, who made a failed bid for the West Hollywood City Council in 2022, detailed on Monday why he’s running for office.

“I’m running for Congress because it’s time to restore faith in government by offering reasonable, innovative and compassionate solutions to our country’s most pressing issues,” the actor wrote on Instagram.

“And it’s time for new and passionate leaders who can help move our country forward,” he continued. “Leaders who want to see the government operating at maximum capacity, unhindered by political divisions and special interests.”

While Savage remains best known as a child star, he interned under Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) in 2003 and studied political science at Stanford University.

The self-described union member wrote on Instagram that his relatives have served the “country and community” and that he’s “standing up for what is right” by running for Congress. He wrote that he plans on “ensuring equality and expanding opportunities for all” if he wins in 2024.

Savage’s website states that his primary focuses are resources for veterans, thorough psychological evaluations of police officers, increased community safety standards, and long-term solutions to the housing and homelessness crisis in his state.

Thirty percent of the homeless people in the U.S. were residing in California as of 2022, according to the Public Policy Institute of California, a nonprofit think tank.

Although Savage submitted his filings in January, a representative for the actor told ABC News that he was “focused on his upcoming wedding” and “still making decisions.” He had posted a selfie a week prior with his fiancée, Tessa Angermeier, with the caption: “The best is yet to come.”

The general election will take place on Nov. 5, 2024.
