Brexit delay not uncontroversial among EU - Merkel's chief of staff

BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel's chief of staff on Monday said the issue of extending the delay for Britain's exit from the European Union is not uncontroversial among EU states, adding he could not rule out that Italy or another country could thwart it.

Chancellery Chief Helge Braun told Bild newspaper that Britain's participation in the European election would be "odd for the Britons themselves," adding that he hoped that both sides would reach a solution before the election.

Prime Minister Theresa May on the weekend warned lawmakers that unless they approved her Brexit divorce deal after two crushing defeats, Britain's exit from the European Union could face a long delay and could involve taking part in European parliament elections.

(Reporting by Riham Alkousaa; Editing by Tassilo Hummel)