'Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy' excerpt released

October's new installment in the Bridget Jones's Diary series will be titled "Bridget Jones: Mad About The Boy," announced its publisher Knopf, with brief excerpts released by both Knopf and the Bridget Facebook page.

Seventeen years have passed since Bridget first burst onto the literary scene, and fourteen since the sequel, "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason."

So what can we expect from "Mad About the Boy"?

"The novel is set in present-day London; Bridget is older; she is still keeping a diary, but she is also immersed in texting and experimenting with social media, with an accent on 'social,'" explains Knopf.

Older but still faced with her own challenges of contemporary living, Jones will tackle "maintaining sex appeal as the years roll by and the nightmare of drunken texting, the skinny jean, the disastrous email cc, total lack of twitter followers, and TVs that need 90 buttons and three remotes to simply turn on."

Here's what Helen Fielding's Bridget has to say about the life of a lovelorn Londoner:

Wednesday 24 October 2012

11.27 p.m. Just presss d SEND. Iss fineisn't it?

You see, this is the trouble with the modern world. If it was the days of letter-writing, I would never even have started to find his address, a pen, a piece of paper, an envelope, a stamp, and gone outside at 11.30p.m. to find a postbox. A text is gone at the brush of a fingertip, like a nuclear bomb or exocet missile.


"Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy" is to make its UK debut on October 10, New Zealand on October 11, the US and Canada on October 15, and South Africa on October 24, with Indian and Australian releases to be dated in the near future.

Facebook page: facebook.com/BridgetJonesBook
