Britain 'surprised' EU unclear on its position over transition period

Britain's Exiting the European Union Secretary David Davies meets with his Brexit team in No. 9 Downing Street in London, Britain, February 8, 2018. REUTERS/Steve Parsons/Pool

LONDON (Reuters) - Brexit minister David Davis said on Friday he was surprised to hear that the European Union's chief negotiator Michel Barnier was unclear on Britain's demands in any transition period.

"Given the intense work that has taken place this week, it is surprising to hear that Michel Barnier is unclear on the UK's position in relation to the implementation period," Davis said.

"We are seeking a time-limited period that maintains access to each other's markets on existing terms."

Barnier warned Britain earlier on Friday, saying London had raised "substantial" issues with the adaptation period as proposed by the bloc and that he was surprised by its position.

(Reporting By Andrew MacAskill; editing by Stephen Addison)