British composer Jan Latham-Koenig charged with child sex offence

A world-renowned British conductor has been charged with a child sex offence.

Jan Latham-Koenig was arrested at London's Victoria station on Wednesday following an investigation by detectives from the Metropolitan Police's Specialist Crime Command, the force said.

The 70-year-old, who was appointed an OBE in 2020 for services to music and UK/Russian cultural relations, is alleged to have arranged or facilitated a child sex offence and sexual communication with a child.

He was charged with the offence on Thursday and was due to appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court later on Friday, police said.

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Mr Latham-Koenig has conducted the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the London Philharmonic Orchestra, and all the BBC ensembles.

He held a number of music director positions at orchestras and opera theatres across Europe, including in Russia.