British News Anchor Mocked for Lighting Up on Air to Protest Suggested Smoking Ban (Video)

Mark Dolan, a host on Britain’s GB News, defiantly lit a cigarette on-air over the weekend to protest a smoking ban that he claims is coming from the progressive-leaning Labour Party.

As Twitter users pointed out, the potential ban he seems to be referring to is from former Tory chancellor George Osborne, who is a Conservative and not a member of the Labour Party. His bold stance drew derision Twitter, with one person tweeting, “Mark Dolan dying of lung cancer to own the libs is … honestly fine by me.”

Dolan is a former comedian who hosted “Balls of Steel” from 2005 until 2008 on Britain’s Channel 4. “Doctor Who” writer John Dorney wrote, “Embarrassed to have shared a stage with him once.”

Dolan quipped, “Arrest me, why don’t you?” over worries that the U.K. is going to adopt the same anti-smoking policies recently adopted in New Zealand, which would permanently bar anyone under age 15 from purchasing cigarettes.

“I’m one of those people, that if you tell me I can’t do something, that’s exactly the thing I’m going to do,” he said in the broadcast. “I pledge to take up this filthy habit, just to annoy them,” he said.

In lighting up on-air, Dolan violated U.K.’s 2007 ban, which prohibited smoking in workplaces, including TV newsrooms and he could face a fine of up to £200 ($250). There is, however, a carveout for actors, who are allowed to smoke in TV and movies.

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