British PM cannot expect Labour to save her Brexit vote - Thornberry

Emily Thornberry, Labour Party's Shadow Foreign Secretary, speaks at the party's conference in Liverpool, Britain, September 25, 2018. REUTERS/Hannah McKay/Files

LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May cannot expect the opposition Labour Party to save her in a parliamentary vote on any Brexit deal, Emily Thornberry, Labour's foreign affairs policy chief, said on Sunday.

"What we've said is that you cannot simply come to the House of Commons with a bit of nonsense ... you cannot expect the Labour Party to save you from your own backbenchers," Thornberry told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show, saying Labour would vote against any deal that did not meet its tests.

"If May loses the vote in parliament, Thornberry said: "First stage is we demand a general election ... if we don't get a general election, then what we have said is all options remain on the table."

(Reporting by Elizabeth Piper; Editing by Janet Lawrence)