Bruce Springsteen Signs Fifth Grader’s Absence Note

Bruce Springsteen loves to play endless marathon live shows, and people love to take their kids to those live shows. That means Springsteen has probably been responsible for more than a few school absences. And as reports, he’s taken responsibility for at least one of them, signing one kid’s absence note.

The Springsteen fan and memorabilia collector Mike Finerty recently took his son Michael to see Springsteen at Citizens Bank Park, and yesterday the two also went to the Philadelphia Central Library, where the Boss was holding a book signing for his new memoir Born To Run. Here’s how the elder Finerty recounts the conversation between Springsteen and his son:

My son said, “Bruce, would you sign my absence note?” [Springsteen] lit up. He was affectionate toward Michael as soon as he saw him. He said, “I have to read it first, that’s how I got in trouble with my first contract.” He said, “I hope you don’t get in trouble.” My son was very starstruck. It was a very cool experience.”

Finerty also says he gave the school a photocopy of the note and that he kept the actual signed one himself.