Bungie fans outraged as beloved Destiny composers and other veteran employees are put out of work

 Zavala looks out at the Witness's attack on the Traveler.
Zavala looks out at the Witness's attack on the Traveler.

There have been an awful lot of layoffs across the game industry in 2023, but against that bleak backdrop this week's cuts at Bungie came as a shock. Fans are mourning the loss of a number of long-term employees, particularly composers Michael Salvatori, who wrote countless memorable tracks for both Destiny games as well as earlier Bungie projects going all the way back to Myth: The Fallen Lords, and Michael Sechrist, the composer of Deep Stone Lullaby, which we called "the most gorgeous piece of game music that you've never heard."

Salvatori's layoff was confirmed by an update to his website. What was originally an extensive biography detailing his long history with Bungie and the numerous awards his work on the Destiny games have won, has been replaced with a simple, two-word message: "Gone fishin' :)"

The brevity of the note suggested to some that Salvatori was angered by the cut, but in a message shared with Paul Tassi of Forbes, he graciously said that he's merely "sorting through my feelings."

"Many of my good friends were also let go, and I feel awful for them," Salvatori wrote. "My heart goes out to everyone who lost their job yesterday.

"Regarding myself, the overwhelming feeling I have is one of gratitude. Beginning in 1997, Bungie provided me the opportunity to contribute music to some of the most amazing games ever made. I've been truly blessed to work with so many awesome, creative people over the years. I've learned so much from them, not only as a composer, but as a human being, during my time there."

"I truly wish the best for my friends who are still there, and I have no doubt that they will be able to right the ship. To the fans, please don't hate on them. Give them a chance to blow you away, like they've done so many times before."

Despite Salvatori's warm words, an awful lot of fans are concerned about Bungie's future in the wake of the layoffs. Salvatori and Sechrist have been focused on because of the very front-facing impact on their work on the overall Destiny experience—our resident Destiny obsessive Tim Clark described Sechrist's Deep Stone Lullaby as "single-tear-rolling-down-your-cheek levels of beauty"—but the cuts run deep, impacting writers and editors, social media reps, QA workers, HR reps, and more: Details on the number of employees put out of work haven't been released but the layoffs are clearly significant.

Well... my heart is breaking for all affected  I am now looking for opportunities. I have 21 years of games industry experience in media, production, and community management. I'm processing,I'm so heartbroken. I don't know what to do from here... this was my home. I feel so lost
Well... my heart is breaking for all affected I am now looking for opportunities. I have 21 years of games industry experience in media, production, and community management. I'm processing,I'm so heartbroken. I don't know what to do from here... this was my home. I feel so lost

(Image credit: DirtyEffinHippy (Twitter))

I guess I'm off on my next adventure. If anyone's looking for a social media professional in the gaming industry with the best CV possible, hit me up.   As a wise man once said, be excellent to each other. ✌️
I guess I'm off on my next adventure. If anyone's looking for a social media professional in the gaming industry with the best CV possible, hit me up. As a wise man once said, be excellent to each other. ✌️

(Image credit: GriffinWB (Twitter))

I was laid off from Bungie today. If anyone is looking for a passionate writer/editor to join their narrative team, please reach out! Bungie was a dream opportunity, and I'm so grateful to all the people I worked with.
I was laid off from Bungie today. If anyone is looking for a passionate writer/editor to join their narrative team, please reach out! Bungie was a dream opportunity, and I'm so grateful to all the people I worked with.

(Image credit: Jason_Guisao (Twitter))

I am absolutely devastated to say I am looking for work.   Words cannot express all of the emotions I have… my anniversary here was in two days.  I have ~1.5 years of experience in AAA Art at Bungie, and live in the Chicagoland area. Remote would be great, too.
I am absolutely devastated to say I am looking for work. Words cannot express all of the emotions I have… my anniversary here was in two days. I have ~1.5 years of experience in AAA Art at Bungie, and live in the Chicagoland area. Remote would be great, too.

(Image credit: TR_BlueJay (Twitter))

I am unfortunately also among the people being let go from Bungie today.   If anyone is looking for QA, I have ~7yrs experience working on live service/MMOs with a specialization in content testing, experience in Cert/Art/Consoles/Mobile, and onboarding/training/team management.
I am unfortunately also among the people being let go from Bungie today. If anyone is looking for QA, I have ~7yrs experience working on live service/MMOs with a specialization in content testing, experience in Cert/Art/Consoles/Mobile, and onboarding/training/team management.

(Image credit: crowsbones (Twitter))

I’ve been laid off from my job at Bungie (along with far too many coworkers). I am heartbroken and so scared. I need a bit to mourn, but would love any info anyone has re: legal openings. This sucks.
I’ve been laid off from my job at Bungie (along with far too many coworkers). I am heartbroken and so scared. I need a bit to mourn, but would love any info anyone has re: legal openings. This sucks.

(Image credit: lindsbaefundeen (Twitter))

While I’m not very active on here. I drew this a few weeks ago as a joke for having too much inventory.  Today, after 2 years at Bungie I was also laid off. The pic sums up my mood now.  My entire QA team on Armor and Expressions was wiped today.
While I’m not very active on here. I drew this a few weeks ago as a joke for having too much inventory. Today, after 2 years at Bungie I was also laid off. The pic sums up my mood now. My entire QA team on Armor and Expressions was wiped today.

(Image credit: Franziska_Wis (Twitter))

The layoffs also sting because they come less than two years after Bungie leadership assured employees that Sony's purchase of the studio would result in "absolutely no layoffs," and in fact that Sony had spent an estimated $1.2 billion to ensure that everyone stuck around.

That salt in the wound was reflected in the response to the layoff confirmation posted on Twitter yesterday by Bungie CEO Pete Parsons, who did his best to present himself as an innocent bystander rather than a well-paid, still-employed studio chief. It's not clear who was ultimately responsible for deciding to make these cuts at Bungie, but Sony has also recently laid off employees at its Naughty Dog and Media Molecule studios.

Today is a sad day at Bungie as we say goodbye to colleagues who have all made a significant impact on our studio. What these exceptional individuals have contributed to our games and Bungie culture has been enormous and will continue to be a part of Bungie long into the future.
Today is a sad day at Bungie as we say goodbye to colleagues who have all made a significant impact on our studio. What these exceptional individuals have contributed to our games and Bungie culture has been enormous and will continue to be a part of Bungie long into the future.

(Image credit: Pete Parsons (Twitter))

"Bungie's executives deserved to be put on full blast for this," one redditor wrote. "They signed themselves over to Sony for a fat check, promised no layoffs, then double crossed and supremely fucked over their employees while enjoying that Sony money for themselves. But of course, they're not going to face any consequences and it'll just be business as usual." That's harsh, and speculative, but reflects a common mood among fans: Bungie didn't need to do this, but did it anyway.

Bungie hasn't revealed the number of employees let go in this round of layoffs but a Bloomberg report says roughly 100 jobs, out of a total of 1,200, were eliminated. The cuts come in the wake of a reported sharp decline in Destiny 2 numbers since the release of the Lightfall expansion: Executives reportedly said Destiny 2 revenues are running 45% below projections for the year.

The studio also still hasn't commented on reports that Destiny 2: The Final Shape, which is currently slated to launch in February, has been delayed, but the expectation is that Salvatori and Sechrist have likely already completed their work on it. That's cold comfort for some fans: A last hurrah from great composers to enjoy, but also the literal end of an era beyond it.