Cabinet says Padu to continue after addressing security concerns raised by former DAP MP

Cabinet says Padu to continue after addressing security concerns raised by former DAP MP
"Cabinet says Padu to continue after addressing security concerns raised by former DAP MP"

Economic Minister Rafizi Ramli and his team has acted swiftly to fix security issues in the Central Database Hub (Padu) raised by former Member of Parliament, Ong Kian Ming.

Communications Minister Ahmad Fahmi Mohamed Fadzil added that the quick action prompted the Cabinet, in its first meeting this year, to greenlight the continuation of the registration system.

“Rafizi and his team rectified the issues raised by a former MP at 9.15pm on Jan 2. It took them an hour to fix the problems,” said Fahmi.

“Rafizi and his team will also provide status updates every few hours to ensure that such incidents do not recur.

“So far, 230 people have registered their details on the Padu website, with 71 per cent of them successfully going through the e-KYC (electronic Know-Your-Customer) process.”

Former deputy Investment, Trade, and Industry minister, Ong Kian Ming, a former DAP MP, raised eyebrows with a series of posts on X (formerly known as Twitter) yesterday, barely hours after Padu was launched by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Ong had highlighted several security flaws in the system, which included being able to register on behalf of several DAP party members without going through e-KYC, as he had their personal details.

Ong, this morning, urged the government to suspend Padu until the security flaws were fixed.

Fahmi however, said that the flaws and other issues raised by Ong were quickly fixed, adding that the Cabinet was confident that Padu would benefit the people in the long run.

Padu is a comprehensive database established by the government that contains individual and household profiles of citizens and permanent residents in Malaysia. The system is to pave the way for a fairer distribution of targeted subsidies for Malaysians in need.

Fahmi said he had no issues entering his details, although his deputy, Teo Nie Ching, had yet to do so.

Apparently, Ong had earlier keyed in her details when he raised security issues with the system.

Separately, Fahmi said the government, encouraged by the ‘Madani Government’s One Year Anniversary’ programme from Dec 10-12 in Bukit Jalil, will go on a nationwide ‘Jelajah Madani’ (Madani Tour), starting with Selangor and Negeri Sembilan.

“We will announce the dates of the tour soon. We will start in Selangor, and then, Negeri Sembilan,” said Fahmi.

He said today’s Cabinet meeting also reaffirmed that the government’s focus for 2024, was the economy.

“We will do what we can to encourage investments in the country, as we need to ensure our economy continues to grow.”

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