California beach, hit by May oil spill, reopens

Workers clean up the May oil spill on Refugio State Beach

California's Refugio State Beach will reopen Friday, reports The New York Times. Refugio is one of two beaches near Santa Barbara closed due to a major May 19 oil spill.

El Capitan, also hit by the May spill, opened back up on June 26 following significant shore and water cleanup operations.

Inlet beaches located between Refugio and El Capitan, Las Flores and Venedito remain closed for cleanup and no date has been given for their reopening.

A ruptured pipeline attached to an offshore drilling platform was the cause of the May spill, which saw more than 100,000 gallons of crude oil coat the coast around Gaviota, to the west of Santa Barbara.

The Refugio State Beach boasts coastal fishing, palm tree-lined beaches, hiking trails and a camping area.