Campaign for 'Brexit' takes six-point drop - YouGov poll for Times

Branded merchandise is seen in the office of pro-Brexit group pressure group "" in London, Britain February 12, 2016. REUTERS/Neil Hall

(Reuters) - The campaign for Britain to leave the European Union has taken a 6-point drop over the rival "in" campaign, according to a YouGov poll taken by the Times. The poll suggested that attempts to worry voters into staying in the EU were working and the Britons are becoming more averse to the risks of leaving, the Times reported. The newspaper said that the fears have contributed to a 6-point drop, to 31 percent, among those who thought leaving the bloc would be a safer option, while 43 percent said it would be safer to stay, which was down 1 percentage point. The Times said the latest poll suggested that Boris Johnson, the London mayor, and Michael Gove, the justice secretary, have had little early impact by coming out for Brexit and reveals a big drop among those who think that the prime minister got a bad deal in Brussels last weekend. The poll showed 38 percent of Britons would vote to leave the bloc compared with the 37 percent who want to remain, with 25 percent saying they were undecided. Since early February when the first draft of EU deal was published, the YouGov poll showed a 9-point lead for "Brexit." (Reporting by Rama Venkat Raman in Bengaluru; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)