Canada has not asked U.S. to drop case of Huawei's Meng: Freeland

TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada has not asked the United States to abandon its bid to have Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou extradited, Canada's Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said on Tuesday in an interview with Bloomberg TV.

Asked whether Canada had asked the United States to drop the case, Freeland said: "No. But Canada has spoken to the United States about the case. It is a decision for the United States whether to seek an extradition of someone from Canada."

The Huawei CFO was arrested in Canada last month and faces accusations in the U.S. that she misrepresented her company's links to a firm that tried to sell equipment to Iran despite sanctions.

(Reporting by Allison Martell; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama)