Candidate's election campaign posters vandalised

A Liberal Democrat candidate's campaign posters have been damaged in the run-up to the election.

Posters in the South Suffolk constituency promoting Tom Bartleet were vandalised according to his election agent Rain Welham-Cobb.

More than eight banners were targeted in the last week and cameras installed to monitor them were reportedly stolen.

Mr Welham-Cobb said the incidents had been reported to the police.

"It's very concerning," Mr Welham-Cobb explained.

"I think it's a poor attempt at trying to suppress democracy.

"These banners are paid for with money from donors who are local people who want to see positive change.

"It's very sad to see them destroyed in the way they have been."

The posters, placed along roads across the constituency, have been cut as well as graffitied.

Mr Welham-Cobb said they were important for those in the community who did not have social media to follow campaigns.

"I think banners do have an effect, they help build momentum and support," he said.

"Not all of our voters are on social media so absolutely they have an effect and impact.

"They're a positive way for local residents to express their support for a local candidate."

Suffolk Police has been approached for comment.

You can see a full list of candidates standing in South Suffolk here.

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